
How do i make alcohol taste better?

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Ok, i like to drink to get drunk or tipsy (most tipsy) but i HATE the taste of alcohol and i drink hard liqour (40% mostly). Is there ANY way i could make the alcohol taste less HORRIBLE ( i already hold my nose)? it tastes sooooo bad i cant stand it sometimes!!!!!!




  1. there is only one way to help you with your promblem and that is don't drink the stuff have softdrink or something

  2. Seriously, you shouldn't be drinking to get drunk. You should be drinking because you like the taste. As much as I abdicate the proper use of alcohol by all people...this isn't it.

    Sit down and do a little self reflection to figure out why you feel you need to get drunk.

    After that, change you alcohol. You're obviously drinking some cheap and/or nasty stuff if it taste bad. May I suggest the craft beer industry as an personal favorite beverages. Get a nice wheat ales, lambic or koelsh.

  3. Anything sweet will cover up the taste. Try sweet & sour mix, that's great at covering up alcohol taste. Just go to the store, buy some whiskey or rum or vodka, whatever your preference is, buy some premade mixes that look good to you, then go home and make yourself a drink. Do this every night until you can increase the alcohol proportion enough to enjoy it. I did this with Budweiser because I needed to be able to drink it when I was a Bud Girl. Now I love the stuff!

  4. You need to chase it with something before you take your first breath after consuming the liquor.  Try COLD Hawaiian Punch the "Fruit Juicy Red" flavor.  I mix it with 190 proof pure grain alcohol its still a little ruff going down but I make sure to take a few more gulps of just straight hawaiian punch before I take my first breath.  If you mix vodka with it, it really cuts out most of the alcohol taste.  The key is to make sure the punch is cold.

  5. Administer it IV or as an e***a-just as sloppy drunk with no icky taste,  yeehaw!

  6. just mix it with the strongest tasting juice or soda you can...dr.pepper works well, or cherry coke...the flavors are strong enough to mask most of the alcohol's taste

  7. drink a lot of it and i becomes tasteless

  8. mix it with something. i found the best tasting drink about a month ago, pineapple juice and coconut rum is delicious.  just get the cans of pineapple juice and add between a half to a whole shot of the coconut rum.   malibu coconut rum is what we had at the time i think, im sure it will still be good with another brand.  thats the only way that makes alcohol taste less bad unless of you were to run a tube down your throat to your stomach and poured shots down the tube :P

  9. good combo that gets you tanked pretty cheap and taste great.  

    bacardi grand melon

    and country time pink lemonade

    can start with a 30/70 mix and work your way up to 50/50

  10. i hate to be rude, but grow a pair of nuts , alchohol comes in all types of flavors and strengths for even the weakest of individuals , smirnoff ice seems to fit u , if  ur a taste person, try mixed drinks , they are usually centered around a decent taste , and some get u trashed . like the jagerbomb, (shot of jager and ur favorite energy drink) fun nights for sure, try it with an orange amp, or a irish car bomb , 6 bottle of guiness beer, bottle of Jameson irish whiskey, and baileys irish cream, can make u and ur friends bout twenty of them , its ;ike chocoalte beer is how i describe the taste , and speaking of baileys . if u like good taste ,its the best ,chocolate milk with a kick . there are a lot of drinks made for good taste but alot of times u have to suffer in having to drinking alot of em to feel a buzz,  try to be more selective on ur taste, spend a few more bucks at the store and u come home more satisfied usually, captain morgan tattoo is a good rum , nasty hangover tho, its a berry flavored rum and is bot 20 for a 1.75 liter. great deal ,  there are limitless options , bacardi and pinapple juice , its simple and all u taste is pinapple or whatever fruit juice u mix it with , so many options so little time , and always ask someone at the store, they do usually know their stuff, considering most of them are alchoholics to begin with ,

  11. Try chewing gum while you are drinking, dillute your alcohol down more with soda or whatever you are drinking it with, or just do shooters instead of the full drinks, will be more potent but takes less to get you tipsy.

  12. Do not consume alcohol. It is a toxin. Entirely serious here.

  13. Keep doing it. You'll get used to it and it won't be so bad.

    Or, try different liquors until you get something you like. If you're buying the cheapest stuff, spend an extra couple bucks and upgrade to the next step up.

  14. if you dont like it dont drink it.

    simple as that.

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