
How do i make an Ouija board?

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i want to use one for fun




  1. Ummm I really wouldn't do that if I were you. If you look at some of the other questions asked about Ouija Boards on this site you will find evidence of how dangerous they are. Not to mention that I have had family members experience strange things while playing and after they played with one. Find something else to do for fun!

  2. First, you will need to have a board of wood. This is very important as many believe that it is with the Earth energy that is found in wood that helps draw in the entities. While you may not be able to actually write on the wood, there are several other options.

    Gather a smooth, large, piece of paper and write out the alphabet. It does not have to be in the standard, arched design as you will find on the Parker Brothers Ouija, it can be in a straight line or in a complete circle. After you have written out the alphabet, you will want to write out the numbers 1 - 10, as well as a YES, NO, MAYBE, BYE and even a HELLO if you desire.

    One of the most important design steps that I have found you need to implement are your zodiac signs. If you are another person are making the Ouija board, than put your two zodiac signs in the corers of the paper. If you are making this Ouija for your own personal use (yes, you can use a Ouija alone), than place your zodiac signs as well as those for the rest of your family and other loved ones.

    Once you have designed and create the look of your Ouija, you will want to place this paper on a wooden table surface when you place to use it. Also, in order to make your planchette, you can purchase one online, or go with the more traditional wine glass, lucky coin or even a shot glass that has been turned upside down.

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