
How do i make compost?

by  |  earlier

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I have brought a compost bin from the council, but it didn't come with any guidlines on were i should put it or put in it. I have put it in the corner of my garden by the house, it gets sun for half of the day. Is this OK. What can i put in it? do i just leave the stuff to rot, somebody told me that i need to put something in it to break it down, like a chemical, but surely that defeats the object of having a compost bin?




  1. It's a bit much to read however to do it correctly and get positive results go ahead and look over this link..

  2. It is fine to put it in the location that you describe.  All you need to do is throw all of your leftover organic materials in there (leftover veggies from dinner,etc).  You do not need to add a chemical.

  3. We have a compost bin in which we put all vegetable and fruit peelings and leftovers, grass cutting, and garden waste.

    Dont put any other food leftovers in it, or you'll attract rats.

    We keep a heavy piece of carpet ontop to keep it compressed, and every now and then turn it over with a garden fork. In time it will breakdown by itself.

  4. Yes there is a chemical to help the breakdown process go faster. However I have never used it. I have a compost pile at my house and we put old food, grass clippings, and pulled weeds in the pile. ours is at the far corner of the yard. I think its better to have it away from your house just for the sake of flies, or smell.

  5. Keep it in a sunny spot to trap the solar heat.  The spot should be level and well drained.  Keep it close to the back door if you plan on using kitchen scraps.

  6. Dig a hole about 4ft square and about 9inch's deep. Put all soft weeds and cuttings, leaves , egg shells , peelings ,tea leaves , coffee grounds etc , but NEVER whole fruit or veg , into the hole until the compost is 1 to 2 foot high , and then cover with 1 or two sheets of newspaper . Keep repeating this until it's around 3 -4 foot high [it will gradually sink as it decays and rots down] Then cover the lot with black bin bags weighted down with bricks and leave it over the Winter. In Spring spread it over your ground and dig it in . No chemicals.

  7. Well done, welcome to the compost zone!

    The link above is California based and makes some odd statements about making compost.

    Try this one which is simple and straightforward.
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