
How do i make hydranger bushes blue//pink?

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How do i make hydranger bushes blue//pink?




  1. the pH of the soil DOES have a lot to do with what color the mopheads will be... but the presence of aluminum is also necessary for blue to happen.... aluminum sulfate takes care of both by adding the aluminum and adding sulfur which is acidic in soil...... read here....

    scroll down the page, clik on 'color change'....note that the change will not happen in a hurry... it takes a season or two, with you adding what's needed a few times....

  2. Compliments to Answer 1 who has explained the reason succinctly.  I could not have put it better. Good luck with the hydrangeas anyway.

  3. If you are looking to turn a hydrangea blue you have to increase the acidity of the soil so the pH is around 5.5.  To turn a hydrangea pink, the soil pH needs to be around 6.5 to 7.  My soil is around 6.5 and to get my hydrangea to turn blue, I bought Espome Garden Sulfur.  I like the Espoma products b/c they are all 100% organic.  If you want to change the color of your hydrangea, first buy a soil test kit from any garden center and determine what the pH of your soil is.  To lower the pH to make them blue, you need to add a sulfur product or MiracleGrow MirAcid and to raise the pH you need to add lime to the soil.  Any garden center should have all the products you need to test and ammend your soil and all the advice to do exactly what you need.  Go to to check out their organic products.  Good Luck!

  4. Hydrangeas react to the acidity of the soil they are growing in.  Acid soil makes them blue, alkaline soil makes them pink.

    Also the amount of sunlight affects them, and this includes the time of year becasue of changes in amount of light.

    You can of course change the acidity of the soil so that you get the colour that you want.

    Ph 4.5 Deep vivid blue

    Ph 6    Purplish pink

    Ph 7   Deep vivid pink

    These figures are approximate

  5. Some good answers here regarding soil acidity, but no one yet has mentioned that only certain hydrangeas can change color.

    Only those that are already naturally blue or pink can change color.   Those that are naturally white, such as Annabelle hydrangeas, will not turn blue or pink no matter what the soil acidity.

    To turn a PeeGee, Lacecap , Mophead or Big Leaf hydrangea blue, add aluminum sulfate to the soil to increase the acidity.  

    A fertilizer high in phosphorus will prevent the plants from taking up aluminum and the blooms will become pink.

  6. depends on soil.  iron makes them blue.

  7. The best way is to visit a garden centre where you'll get advice and the correct stuff to use.

  8. It actually depends on the soil, which determines the colour of the hydrangea. If you change it to a low acidity you will get blue, and high is pink.


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