
How do i make marijuana seed tea?

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How do i make marijuana seed tea?




  1. 1.  Put seeds in a cup

    2.  Boil water

    3.  Wander aimlessly for a few minutes, realize you left the stove on, come back into kitchen

    4.  Turn off water, wonder what's up with the steam, dude?

    5.  See cup on counter, but hear birds chirping outside.  

    6.  Head outside to see what's up with the birds, dude

    7.  Remember you were doing something in the kitchen.  Head back in.

    8.  Spot cup on counter again, notice the seeds in the cup, giggle, put water back on to boil.

    9.  Turn off water, take a nap.

  2. I like the first answer, thumbs up is from me. :-)

    Seriously, Mary Jane seeds do not contain THC's...  No point in making seed tea to get high.  Better to toss them out the window of a moving car on a country road in the Spring, and then drive the same road in late summer to see if any plants are around. :-)  Then return in the fall if there were any.

  3. Here is one way! you can undo a regular tea bag, the kind with the staple.  Empty the tea from the bag. Put your bud, ground up, {preferably quality herb} into the empty tea bag and  re staple.You can do this with several bags at a time depending on the amount you desire to make. With a slight over amount of water{ to allow for steam loss}, steep on a very very low temp for about 20-25 minutes, sounds long but it is for good reason. The key is temp when cooking!.............. The lower the temp of water the better {less than a simmer} If temp is too high it will burn the oils you are extracting, if the temp is too low you will not extract the maximum oil content. Now, here is  key 2: you MUST let it stand after cooking. Should stand for no less than 2 hours. And do not chill EVER. If there is left over tea that you do not consume put it in an air tight container {completely cooled} until you are ready to ingest. Use your judgment how long you should keep it hanging around {lol, prob not long}

    oops and oh yeah, If I were you i would use quality spring water for your teas NOT tap water the ph is way to high. lol, another tip, when making tea you can also use the sticks and seeds also as long as you grind them first, preferably in a sweet-leaff grinder

    P.S. you can use these same directions to make canna oil also, obviously substitute oil for your water. canna oil can be used in regular box brownie mixes or anything that you use oil for.

    p.s.s. please be careful, ingesting marijuane effect you much differently than smoking, and can take up to an hour to take affect, but it will last much much longer and is great for pain management...........give it time, dont think after 10 minutes "its not working", your stomach just needs to process, which is much longer than introduciong it through your lungs and directly to your blood stream so have some patience

    Good luck

    And the entry about seeds having no THC is completely wrong, thay are full of oil! I am a med marijuana patient I should know!

  4. I have been to rehab after 35 years of smoking cannabis, so I don't have much fun any more, but in those 35 years I was never able to utilize the seeds  to get high in ant way other than using them to plant marijuana. The THC contents of pot seeds is less than one per cent.

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