
How do i make mustard gas?

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How do i make mustard gas?




  1. I believe it is illegal to make this very toxic substance.

  2. First, you have to know what mustard gas is.   The chemical is Cl-CH2-CH2-S-CH2-CH2-Cl.  It was adapted in WWI for chemical warfare, and still is considered a very good chemical for that purpose.   The military use the term "HD", where the D means distilled.

    I suppose you can look in Wikipedia for production.  Strangely, its "cousin", thiodiglycol,

    HO-CH2-CH2-S-CH2-CH2-OH is an important industrial chemical, and used in cosmetics.  While it seems reasonable to chlorinate thioglycol, the yields are too low to be useful.  Thus, a different method was developed by a Chemist named Levinstein, and the term "Levinstein" mustard is sometimes used.

  3. Why do you want to?

  4. You cannot make any form of 'mustard gas' from anything other than some highly dangerous chemicals, all of which would be on the 'watch list'.

    If you succeeded, you would then be in breach of the 1993 chemical weapons convention, and you would most likely kill yourself or damage your health permanently.

    Take a look at the picture below.   Then think about the effects of inhaling it.

  5. 1) Buy Mustard

    2) Put Mustard Jar in Microwave

    3) Turn on Microwave on full power for 10 minutes

    4) Take jar out of microwave CAUTION: HOT

    5) Sniff Fumes

    6) Stop asking about making chemical weapons.

    7) Have a good and productive life.

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