
How do i make my cat b quiet??

by  |  earlier

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she keeps meowing at all the doors and going 2 the window and

i know shes in heat but we dont want her 2 get pregnant! she alredy had kitties! and i hav absolutley no idea how 2 keep her quiet w/out yelling at her!!! :( HELP!!!!




  1. Well the most drastic solution is to get her fixed.  Otherwise the much less drastic is to try a bit of fresh catnip, it may relax her.  There is not much you can do while she is in heat but to put in ear plugs and put her in another room if you need to focus.       good luck!

  2. pet her alot

  3. There is no way to make a cat in heat be quiet. Get her spayed. And don't yell at her. It isn't her fault. Whatever you do, don't give her catnip. Catnip is not a relaxant, but rather a stimulant. Some cats hate it and are driven bananas by it even when they aren't in heat.

  4. Please spay her.

  5. um.... get it alot and yes i mean ALOT of attion

  6. pet her, feed her, love her, water her

  7. My cat does the exact same thing and he's a male, so he really tries to escape the house. what i do is just try to distract him. when you think she is getting too noisy, just grab the good old string and play around with her if she likes doing that. when all else fails, bring out the big guns - her favorite food but only give it to her when she's quiet, she will think u are rewarding her for being quiet and will eventually stop meowing as much

  8. She is hormonal torment and there is no way you can comfort her. She will do this once a month until you get her fixed. Yelling a screaming wont fix it because she can not help herself. The only way you can stop it is to get her fixed. If you look around you may find a clinic that will help you. Other wise this will happen for the next 15 years every month.


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