
How do i make my eyeball bigger??

by  |  earlier

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my eyeBALL is really small so i was wondering how do i make it bigger and im not talking about my eye im talking about the eyeball because i kinda look scary with a small eyeball so plz help! and dont suggest surgery!




  1. you cant make your eye ball bigger

  2. there is nothing you could do because everybodys eyeballs are the same size since they were babies eye socket gets bigger

  3. You can't do anything.

  4. Dont think its possible...

  5. Get a magnifying glass, put it in front of your eye and look into the mirror. For a more permanent look, have eyeglasses made from magnifying glass!

  6. Your eyeball is in normal ranges, I'm sure. You can do nothing to change the size. It is genetic. What other facial feature is making it look out of proportion? Heavy eyelids? Wide face? Chubby cheeks? You might want to find a cosmetic expert to try some ways to accentuate your eyes more.

  7. thats kinda hot LOL

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