
How do i make my eyebrows go straight?

by  |  earlier

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ever since i went to go get my eyebrows waxxed they've grown wild and unruly what can i do to make them go straight?? ive tried gel, i comb them back constantly nothing works i need help pleasse!!!




  1. pluck them?

  2. go to MAC and get the eye brow set. it work really good only $15

  3. haha ur gonna look like youre always angry if u make them go straight

  4. surgery or botox or you can go el natural and pluck them till they look pretty

  5. try hair wax, or water with conditiner.

  6. next time you go back ask them to trim them and cut them a little.

    it works cuhz the hair will be shorter and it wont be as messy.

    if u feel theyre too thin or not filled enough you can always use poweder to make them fuller.

    also try using maybelline's brow gel.

  7. pluck, color (with pencil or shadow), gel, and brush?

  8. laser hair removal or electrolysis  

  9. use an iron lol! jk! i agree with the other person...pluck them. thats what i would do.

  10. How about taking all of that free time, focus and energy and go help a homeless family get back on its feet. No one is going to notice whether your eyebrows are straight or unruly. However, your kindness and generosity will not go unnoticed.  

  11. usually this happens when you're eyebrows are too long, i had the same problem. trim them (BE CAREFUL) and get those eyebrow gel or clear mascara to keep them in place

  12. ask a beautician

  13. Get them waxed again. Or pluck them.

    I guess..?


  14. shave them off, draw them on

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