
How do i make my feet stronger for pointe, and get a bigger arch?

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I started pointe on monday and i only have 2 classes a week. and we have try outs for the nutcracker in a few months and i really wana be candycane (part on pointe) and i will have a better chance of being candycane if im better at pointe 'cause the rest of the class started pointe a few months ago.

i wear Gaynor-Minden, and i was wonderingif there are any exersizes i can do to help my arch get bigger (i have flat feet and its really hard to get on full box with strait knees) or improve my pointe work. any thing that works.

try outs are on sept 6 so i need to get better and fast, i was starting to think sleeping in pointe shoes whould help what do you think




  1. If you wish to correct your flat feet, let me know:  You'd only need to follow an exercise regimen for a short amount of time and, no, I'm not trying to sell anything.  It's free!  You not only need your arches to make it easier to dance ballet but, more importantly, not having arches puts one's lower back, knees and hips out of alignment which leads to a plethora of problems which usuaully progressively worsen as one gets older.

  2. you should buy a theraband and use it to roll through your feet every day and also you can get stronger on pointe by rolling through your feet onto them on the barre repeatedly and also you can also do toe pushups from ball of the foot to pointe. Just keep practicing and please don't sleep in them, it doesn't feel good the next day.

  3. well i just got my point shoes a couple months ago what you have to do is wait your feet will get used to the pointe shoes in about 3 weeks  to make your feet stronger for point do relieves and jumps if your feet cant stand the tough shoes get Russian  pointe shoes they are softer  to make you arch bigger like the other person said get  a thera band you can find them at dancing stores they really do work

  4. Exercise 1:

    Take a good-sized can (about the width of a wine bottle or thicker - and no, I did not drink the wine, I used a peanut butter jar) and put in on the floor.  You're going to place the part of your foot (on the bottom - if you point and it makes an arch) on the can and roll it back and forth.

    Exercise 2 (this one really helped me):

    Find a low surface close to the ground and stick your feet under that.  Slowly pull back so that your feet are under it (I used a couch) but you feel the stretch in the tops of your feet.  

    Doing those two really improved my feet over the time period of a summer.  My feet were horrible - I would point them but no point would show.  I did them every day for about 20 minutes and my arch improved so much by the end of the summer - my feet were actually pretty good.  You've got to keep up with the exercises though or you will lose your arch.  Good luck!

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