
How do i make my guinea pig like me more than my mom?

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Idk YYYY she runs after my mom,jumps on her and licks her!Y does she love her more than me?I mean i was the first person to make her trust me.Before she knew everyone else she hated them and only trusted me.But whats wrong with her now?How can i make my guinea pig love me more than my mom!? and also can u tell me how to teach a guinea pig some tricks ^.^ i would be very glad!!Thank u




  1. I whould buy some treats made for rabbits but even my hamsters love them there called"Yogart Chips"There berry flavored which she should like(even rats like them)

    Try doing everything possible with her Maybe even talk to her groom her make sure there r no distractions around when u "try" to play with her

  2. Spend more time with her than your mom, she'll get more used to you.

  3. My friend just got a guinea pig and boy is she cute! =] I can see how your feeling and maybe you should just spend some alone time with your guinea pig. Have some fun with her/him, ALL BY YOURSELF. Tell your mom that you need some alone time with your guinea pig and spend some qualitly time with it! Give it some treats, pet it and love it! It'll love you more and trust you more than ever! =]

    Teaching your guinea pig a completely new trick.

    **You've got to start by rewarding small movements that will eventually lead up to the trick in full motion. Take a tip from laboratory researchers who train rats and gerbils for psychology studies – a hungry rodent learns best. That's because the motivating factor for your pet to complete his tricks is not your praise or adoration, but the treat he earns after he has "done good."

    *i hope i helped! =]

  4. i mak a noise (a weird one)      oooo-hoo-hoo-hoooooooooo in a baby voice mi pig just recently passed

  5. Someone is jealous of the fact that their guinea pig likes her mom more? O___O.. Lmao. Just let it be, you can't teach it to love you more.

  6. be nice to her and spend lots of time with her. more time than your mom. be nice to her and gain her trust.

  7. sometimes, pets just gravitate to different people, despite your greater love and affection for them.

    Its the same with my rabbit; even though I get her out and play with her every day and feed her and stuff, she will always run to my dad and lie down on his lap, when I can hardly hold her without her ripping my arm off!

  8. treats will work for both problems!!! :)

  9. You just have to hold her more. The person who holds them the most will be the one they have the best bond with. Haha...guinea pigs aren't very smart, but some tricks that I've taught mine are to nudge me twice when they want to go in the cage, and squeal when they want food or to be held (although they kind of do this by themselves already, you don't really have to teach them). For the nudging, I just gently pushed my guinea pig's nose into my hand twice and then set him in. I did this every time I held him before I set him in and eventually he caught on. My female can do this too. When you have a piece of fruit or some hay or something they want, they'll usually squeal for it, and if you give it to them, they'll learn to call you over to their cage by squealing.

  10. I have two guinea pigs. They love food like carrots and lettuce and tomatos. Just give them what they love and talk to them and hold them and love them. Talk in a whisper. Do what your mom does. IDK if this will work for you but my guinea pigs love when I sing and also love my ipod :) good luck

  11. rub peanut butter all over your body

  12. Evaluate it. Perhaps you're giving her too much attention and what she needs from you is some space (which is what your mother is giving her). When you smother her with attention and affection, she'd feel bothered and without her own space. I can almost hear your piggie saying " you know what? Enough. Give me some space."

    Just give her some of your time and when you do, do it with treats or things she likes to eat then leave her alone. She'd soon be craving attention from you when you ignore her for the most part. So the logical way is: do what your mom does and she'd soon want attention from you too.

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