
How do i make my jr.high volleyball team? Help!?

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i do admit iv'e neglected to jog practice and do sit ups practically all summer. Now, 8th grade tryouts are in 2 weeks (august 27), and i need to get in shape. PLease tell me what i can to to get in shape fast. And, i can't make my overhand serve over, i think it's because im not strong enough, but...




  1. ok well ummm start weight will help lots of things but mostly it will help u get stronger and that will help u be able to serve so much better and spike alot better!

    do toe raises.......wall sits.....start doing sit ups...start jogging some!

    umm jump w/ weights or w/o.....jumping helps!

    practice passing....setting...and spiking! u can have funa adn paractice w/ ur friends! it helps u have more fun!

    ok well good luck!

  2. start jogging around your block to help with your endurance...u want to be able to perform your very best at tryouts and that should help. also, dont attempt to overhand serve in front of the coaches if u dont think u can get it over the net. there is nothing wrong with underhand serves when u are just starting out.  i would work on bumping the a ball against a wall to work on your passes.  if u dont make the team dont worry! u can pratice throughout the year and tryout for next year's team. hope that helps good luck!

  3. Try working on building up your stamina:

    in other words,  just start doing sit-ups (50 a day) , jog for 10 minutes four times a day, and invite a friend to come bump and set with you.

    As for serving, do it against a very tall wall.  If you mark it with masking tape or painters tape at about ten feet high, you will know the height of your serve should be.

  4. don't worry junior high tryouts are not too intense, i would try and practice 25-50 overhand serves (i bet you can make it if u practice a lot) daily to get stronger, do 15 approaches, 50 situps, 25 pushups, 10 sprawls, and run maybe a mile a day, that will help you get in shape and if you can find someone to pass back in forth with that will help too i would also say to practice setting to yourself, remember its not about being in shape its about your volleyball skills

    oh also about overhand serving whoever told you to throw it 4 feet high is way wrong you throw the ball 18 inches up!! i am positive of that

  5. i dont think getting in better shape will help you all too much b/c most of it has to do with your skill.

    I would practice overhand serving against a wall to better your serve and to possibly gain muscle, the more you work on it.

    Just have confidence and don't worry about it too much.

    Making friends with the coaches always helps too, lol

  6. Serves only take practice but you DO need to be able to get them over. In a real game, each missed one counts against you. Serves are weighed very heavily in volleyball so I would suggestpracticing on a very tall wall EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

  7. work hard and show the coaches how devoted you are

  8. yeah im going into eight grade also and really haven't practiced much all summer.  Did u make last years team?  I did, so if u did also, they will probably remember that from last year and know ur a good player.  There is really no way to get in shape "fast" so i would recommend working on jumping and bumping, and setting, which are very important.  Coaches look for all-around good players.  To get ur overhand serve over, i would recommend:

    1.  aim ur hips to where u want the ball 2 go

    2.  toss the ball straight in front of u, just about 4 feet high

    3.  bring your arm back like a bow and arrow, then shoot it forward as quick as you can

    4.  snap your wrist as you hit the ball at it's highest point, so you make good contact.

    Good luck, hope u make the team!

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