
How do i make my parents less controlling?

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i hung out with my friends last night, and one of the girls mums partied with us the whole time! she supplied us alchohol and even got her monroe peirced! all the other girls had until 1 oclock to be home, my mom insisted on 11 30. how do i get her to loosen up?




  1. Your mom needs to make it 8 o clock and  she needs to pick your friends for you.Your mom's friend is an idiot.The first time one girl leaves her place driving drunk and gets into an accident,your friend's mom will be going to prison.

    Also, when her place gets raided and you are there, you'll be going to jail too.

  2. If I was your mum you would be grounded until you were 45. What do you expect you were out drinking. Just because another adult furnished the alchohol sure as h**l don't make it alright. She should be arrested.

  3. You don't.

    It won't take too long before you're going to really dread this girl's mum tagging along with you. And I will tell you right now, she's going to REALLY resent her mum, because her mums going to try to get the attention of all her friends and even her boyfriends.

    Sounds bizarre, I know, but you might want to consider that your mum is acting like an adult, trying to balance letting you grow up with making sure you stay healthy and safe. That's the job of being a mum. It starts out when kids start to walk and you freak out they're going to fall and hit their head. (And they do!)

    Every time you get pissed at your mum for being controlling. Think of the times she was there when you're down.

    If life goes to h**l, your mum will absolutely be there. She feels like she needs to control things, because feeling like no matter what happens you're going to have  to  "be there" for a wild person is pretty scary!

    Think about what your mum is *really* worried about - having you in the hospital, having your heart broken, those things. You getting in so over your head, she won't be able to save you.

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