
How do i make my parents let me play hockey?

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i am a gilr and ALL of my bff's play hockey and all of the coaches that know me from other sports that coach hockey want me to play. my mom doesn't want to volunteer or come to games, but i know i can get rides, my dad wants no part in this, so no volunteering or games but, is there a way to convince them?

P.S. they dont care if i get hurt




  1. you should show them your determined like buy a hockey stick and just practise outside and stuff. Try and raise some money for it because it is expensive and let your mom know that she doesn't have to come watch or anything. Talk to her about it and mention it more then once.

  2. you might want to tell them that girls hockey is becoming a big college sport and lots of girls are getting nice scholarships to play hockey. its really an amazing sport and i dont understand how they could say no...ask for a reason why they don't want you to play

  3. tell them you really like the game and really want to play! Tell them its your passion they mite see how much u want to play and mite give in!

  4. ummmm

  5. thats great that you want do play hockey even if your parents dont, do what you want to do.

  6. my sister wanted to play too when she was little she actually played now and your parents should at least see how to finance for hockey since it is hard for some families because money can be a issue. if you live in canada i think canadian tire have the jump start program where i dont know if they give your free equipments or what they do but i saw the commercial saying that they will help in some way since they said only 1 out of every 3 families in canada can afford to enroll the kids in organized sports. but i now a way to cut down the prices. if you need skates try to use second hand one if you are really really want to play. second hand skates cost less the regular ones Then chest protector and jock strap or athletic cup sould not be so hard to buy in all with second hand skates should cost at least $400. if your little like a kid usually at sports check they have a starter set just for kids like under the age of 10 or so they have all the equipment for at least $100-$200. But skates generally cost more then any thing so i guess after i saw in sports check the chest protectors don't cost as much so just use second hand skates try to find out the cheepest for everything or till you can afford it i will post a link of sports check website with all there hockey equipment on the sourse and i will give you some good tips on how to play hockey and some books on learning to play hockey. when you do get to play hockey remember to have fun thats the important thing.

  7. wow. it really sounds like you got great parents. they dont care if you get hurt??

  8. You really need parents to get into hockey. Its can cost alot at times. I was kinda in the same boat as you, though my parents DO care if I got hurt and did care about me wanting to be active in a sport. We just didnt have the money.

    Next best thing ROLLER HOCKEY. Thats what I did. Skates and stick will be your biggest purchase. Doesnt require all the same pads(not as much) as ice, and not much if any travel. Check around your area for a rink USAInline is on the rise in the states. Save up some money get a few things, maybe your parents will follow up with you once they see you really want this.

  9. Show them that you can be dedicated and you'll work at your game. Find out all the information for the league and just say all i want to do is try and see how it works out.

    i always say i just want to try it to my mom and she lets me.

  10. hockey is expensive and you really have to be committed show your parent that you really have an intrest in playing, not just because all your "bff's" play (if thats true). if you do really want to play try starting with a house league or something so there is not as much travel

  11. Hockey is expensive honey.  If you really, really want to play than you need to look into the cost in your area and talk to your bff's.  Ask your mom and dad if they'll allow you to play if you can come up with money and equipment.  If they say yes then get hopping.  Once you get started and you've only got to replace one or two pieces of equipment a year it's not so bad but getting started costs a lot so I can understand why they're being stubborn.  But if you really want to and your friends can help with second hand equipment maybe you can talk them into it.

    Good luck.

  12. You cannot make your parents do anything. Did you ever think that maybe they cannot afford for you to play hockey? the equipment and fees are very expensive. I do not know your parents finances but that might be a factor. Get a part time job and show them you are serious enough to want this and you could be financial responsible for the great desire that you have to want to play. We were big hockey fan and when our son showed interest in the sport, we went out and purchase all the eqipment he needed and he only played twice and found other interests. This means that no matter how much you love something now, tere will always be something else (boys) or (girls) to interst you more.

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