
How do i make my parents realize that i want to make my own decisions?

by Guest32036  |  earlier

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I have 15 years!!!!!!




  1. Lol.  I'd say that once you are paying taxes and your own rent, insurance, etc. , then you can make your own decisions.  

  2. you will need to show them your responsible and worthy of trust!!!!!!!

    you will talk to them and ask them what you need to do gain their trust and love and respect!!!!!!

    they will see by doing this you mean business  and want to grow up!!!!!

    good luck!!!!!

  3. Dont listen to ppl who say when yr 18 u can do what u want. Because ur parents will trust u less if u do that.

    Show them how trustworthy u are. That is the key. Say to ya mum that when u go out u will come home at the exact time u tell her. Negotiate and comprimise too.

    Once they see that u are a smart intelligent trustworthy daughter, they will know that u are responsible enuf to make ur own decisions.

  4. are 15 years old? 15 years until you're an adult/move out?

    I'm confused.  clarify, please.

  5. talk to them about it..

  6. by turning 18 and moving out

  7. i'm 14..

    and just recently, i realized that my parents love's me..

    that's why they make decisions for me^^..

    appreciate the decisions that they make

    for you^^..

    because someday..

    when they are already uhhmmm... "R.I.P"

    you will miss the things

    that they do just for the kid that they love the most^^..

  8. It depends on what kind of decisions you are wanting to make.  At 15 you should be able to start making some decisions for yourself.  But you are still a child and you need your parents guidance whether you think you do or not.  The best thing you can do is just be responsible.  Keep up your grades.  Help out around the house.  If you act responsible they should see that you are growing up and they should start letting you make some decisions for yourself.  

  9. There is nothing wrong with wanting to make your own decisions, and it is normal that you want to do so. BUT you need to realize that you are not an adult and as much as you think you know and as mature as you probably feel you are - that is not the case. You still have lots to learn, your brain is still developing, and most of all you are not of legal age. And although you may not be able to see that, your parents can. They have experience that can only come through time, and they also want what is best for you.

    That being said, try talking to them about it - in a calm matter of course. Maybe you can come to a compromise regarding certain less important issues that they feel you are capable of making. Don't ask for total freedom to do what you want. Just point out that if they don't start giving you a little bit of choice, even if in regards to minor issues, then how will you be able to learn more responsibility and prove yourself to them? And if they don't agree to compromise, don't freak out and get all bratty, because that will only prove to them that they are making the right decision and it will delay their trust in you even further. Just move on and do your best to show them you are trustworthy, responsible, and capable. Get good grades, help out around the house without being asked and without wanting something in return, etc. Over time your parents will be willing to give you a little bit more freedom in making certain choices.

    Some decisions, however, will not be yours to make until you are a legal adult, and you just have to get used to it.

  10. Hi,

    You have 15 years to do what hun?!

    Well if you mean you are 15 years of age then you still under their parental responsibility meaning they make the rules!

    Just show a bit of maturity about situations and see what happens. They will allow you to make some choices but not those which they feel is going to inflict pain or change your life completely ect.

    Don't hate your parents, they put you on this earth, respect them!


  11. Talk to them also it depends what decisions your talking about

  12. by showing them that you are responsible but then it depends what the decisions are  

  13. You can make your own decisions when you are 18, out of their house and living on your own dime.

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