
How do i make my pet duck attatched to me?

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i really like my pet ducks how do i make them like me. so how do i make them attached to me. i have a white pekin and a blue swedish





  1. i think they stick with the first thing they saw when they hatched, so if you hatched them or if you've had them since they were very young they should bond to you pretty well.

  2. Lyndsey is right!  Raising them from ducklings is a sure way to get them to look up to you!  I had many ducks at different times, I would give them a variety of treats and spray water on them.  They would open their wings for a soft blast of cool water.  It got to the point to where they became kind of annoying duck used to follow me in the house.  He walked on in like it was the thing to do, right in front of the TV.  Ducks have different personalities so you will get to know their temperaments as they get older.  Have fun :)

  3. food  and companionship. ducks can make good pets. They stick with a mate for life so be prepared to have your heart broken if they are hanging with other ducks

  4. uhhhh....

    give them treats

    if they have duck treats.......

    u seriously have pet ducks......

    dude... why didnt i have a pet duck

  5. glue food 2 urself, then they will reely lyk u

  6. feed them

  7. I had two pet ducks for a while too. :) How old are your ducks? I got mine whenever they were really tiny, so I was there feeding them, letting them swim in a pool and a lake, and just taking care of them since they were ducklings. I'm not sure exactly how 'attached' they were, but they followed me around and allowed me to hold them all the time. I don't think there's anything you can really do other than raise them from the time they're babies so they see you as a mother figure.

  8. Feed them food they like and play with them a lot.

  9. just spend as much time with them as you can..talking with them so they get to know my voice make sure that for the first while try to be the only one that feeds them...if they are young ducks what i do is get and old rag and put it on me and let them sit on my while i'm watching tv or at the computer i talk to them pet them and even play with them i usually go to the dollar store and buy them toys they really like shinny stuff i know mine love to sit on me and play with my necklace and rings..i have got them little balls with bells in them that kind of them treats helps to you just want to make sure they are getting enough of the right food and not all treats..a good way to tell if they are attached to you is take them in the back yard and walk around and they will follow you if they see you as the "parent" most nights i will sit in the back yard and let them wonder around so they can eat grass and i talk to them...they make wonderful pets..if they are a little older just be patient as long as your spending time with them they will get close to you!!

  10. you can use duck tape!

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