
How do i make my school pictures turn out good. ?

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ok so a little about myself:

- i have strawberry blonde hair

- hazel eyes

- 5'4

- girl

- skinny

- pale skin

anyways what makeup and clothing or w.e




  1. you can try doing something to your hair like leaving it down, make it look pretty&naturaly. or you can tie it up but don't make yourself look bald from an angel if you get me. and you said your can try putting some color on your face like makeup. do you eyebrows, put eyeliner and put a little lipstick and blush if you want. just dont make it too dramatic but pretty =)

  2. well if you want to pop in your pics, exaggerate your make up. not so that you look like a clown but for instance use bronzer for blush so it enhances your cheek bones, and go a little heavier on eye shadow and eyeliner, or if you don't wear any then do wear some. when you take pics your make up doesn't come out as good as you have it on. you know unless your at home then you can photoshop the colors and everything but for school pics this is the best idea.  

  3. when you smile, dont show too much teeth because it will scrunch up your face but if you have nice teeth, show them just a little, dont close your mouth fully. dont squint your eyes. depending on the color of your backround you should choose a red-ish or burgundy backround so your strawberry blonde hair will look good aganist it. wear light mascara to really show off your hazel eyes. and top it off with a white top and nice hoops maybe or studs. hope it turns out nice!

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