
How do i make my self worth something?

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I don't feel like i cheapen myself, but every time i don't stand up for myself, i feel like am not worth anything..

I want to be special to somebody one day, & i want to do all the things that i was made to be be...but i feel as f i have not build my self 15 by the way. & been tthrough enough c**p to live with the mentality of think that i am not worth anything..

how do you build up your self worth?




  1. Remind yourself that others are not too sure about things either.

  2. You should always be true to your self. If something or someone makes you feel uncomfortable, trust that feeling. Every time you say yes when you really want to say no makes you feel week or bad about you.

    You are definitely worth something. You are special because there is only one you with all your unique likes and dislikes. The only way to be special to somebody else is to treat yourself as special. If you treat yourself well, others will also.

    Building your self worth can start with taking care of yourself.

    Eat the things that are good for you.

    Get some exercise and take care of your body.

    Figure out what makes you tick, what lights you up, like painting, reading, writing, dancing, singing, playing music on an instrument, being outside, taking pictures, the list goes on.....Whatever that something is that you love to do, be sure to give yourself plenty of time with it. If you don't yet know, spend time experimenting with new things.

    Take time for you. Spend time with others and get to know them, but also spend time alone to get to know you.

    You just never know where life will lead you.

  3. Don't let them win. If you feel crappy because you didn't stand up for yourself, then you are letting them beat you. You are giving them exactly what they want. They are probably going through a hard time and taking it out on you, without realizing that it's going to affect you for the rest of your life if you let them get to you. Don't let them win!! You owe it to yourself to fight for YOU, because if you don't, it's going to stick with you for years to come.

    I still have issues because I didn't stand up for myself when I was in younger. I'm 25 now.

  4. Listen Sweetheart, you are special to someone now if not lots of people.If others have treated you badly then that is their fault and shortcoming, not yours.Do things that make you feel happy, have Friends that are there for you and not just after what you can do for them.Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are someone very bloody special and you deserve love and affection.Don't let others grind you down.Find that inner strength that I just feel you have in you.    

  5. First of all you are worth something, you have to understand that you are unique and special in your own way.  Second don't compare yourself to others as that is a way to bring yourself down.

    Why do you want to be special to someone? First of all be true to yourself and find all those wonderful qualities that you have, maybe others see them but you deny them to yourself.

    Once you see the good in you others will see them too.  To start building your self-esteem set yourself small targets and you will start to feel good about yourself.  Don't worry about what others say, you are you and that is all that matters.

    Life deals each of us many good and bad hands, live through them and learn from them, and one day you will blossom into a truly magnificent flower, that day you will find that someone special and they will find you.  Until then just live each day on its merit and you can't go far wrong.

    Best Wishes

  6. Please know that there are many ways to stand up for yourself. The most important thing is to avoid violence when ever possible.

    Then set goals for yourself. Make them realistic goals. Like I will up my grade in this class if its the last thing that I do.

    Stop looking for your approval of yourself in others eyes. Look to what makes you happy and how you can obtain what ever that is.

    15 is a very very hard age. The hormones are going strong. The things that you thought you knew are being proven wrong. The people that you counted on are not there as much as before.

    Make sure that when you stand up for yourself that you have all your facts right and that they are all true.  If you are talking your way out of something the person that you are trying to convince will discount everything you say if they think they have one lie.

    You are right and they still won't believe you?  How about telling yourself that its their problem and walk away?

    When you wake in the morning just tell yourself how neat it is that you are you. All the things that have happened to you in the past make you you.  Without them you would be a very shallow person and these questions would not occur to you.  Just stop that dialogue where you tell yourself that you are not worth anything.

    The best way to prove anyone wrong who might be telling you a bad thing is to live a great life and not care what they think.  

    When you tell yourself how wonderful you are then pretty soon you will start to believe it because its true

  7. You are already worth something. It takes a special person to realize they have weaknesses, that makes your awareness a personality trait. At 15, being through alot of stuff is unfortunate but you have to know that everything is temporary. As you age and your life starts to develop on its own, your self worth grows with it.

    You have already been here for 15 years and maybe along the way you've already proved your self worth, said a kind word to a friend, helped a stranger or just been in the right place at the right time.

    It is all what you make of it, if is up to you how you want the rest of your life to go, think positive and be kind, it all comes back to you.


  8. That's a hard question... maybe sell yourself on ebay? joke joke. Well how are your friends like? People need other people that's just the way we work, we like the attention and we like to be cared for. What kind of activities do you have? Going out and trying to do something new a day builds motivation and confidence. One day you will find someone you are meant to be with maybe not the first person you find but most people find someone to be with. I try to motivate myself with faith, my family, games, biking and many other things that I do day by day...

  9. i agree with sarah and cheri. in addition i wanna say that this is not going to be the last time u might feel this way. certain things in life will hit a sensitive spot over and over again to the point u might feel like this again. the thing is u need to shake and dust urself off and tackle life once again. dont shut urself out. continue ur studies, maintain ur relations with friends and family. u will see that u are worth a whole darn lot. u must pay attention to what u see and try to get a good perspective. and yes, sad to hear about the rough times u already had. every human deserves good childhood. hope ur life will bring u better memories and happiness. wish u the best.  

  10. I used to be boxed into a shell, because I allowed people's psychology guilt trips make me feel ashamed to be myself and express myself freely. I wanted approval, but was fearful of criticism.

    Now I know- you must, too, that we're made to be the head and not the tail. You,like everyone else, are uniquely and marvelously made in God's image, for His purpose and pleasure. Not to please people or ourselves. That purpose is to love, serve, and become like God in character. When you develop a relationship (NOT religion!) with Him, He will guide, direct, and lead you to maximize your potential. He will open doors for you like no one else. Wisdom, knowledge, understanding, power, boldness, and more are yours when you put God first, by accepting Jesus Christ.

    A relationship starts by asking Jesus Christ to come into your heart, that He would forgive you of all your sins. Thank Him for dying for you, and that you believe that He rose from the dead. Tell Him that you'll live for Him. And stay away from anything that displeases Him. Keep the relationship alive by:

    o Talking to God everyday. Let Him have your worries.

    o Daily read, practice, and meditate on His Word (the Bible). Start with the book of Luke, especially chapter 9:23; 2 Timothy 1:7; and book of I John. Try an easy-to-read version, like CEV or The Message.

    o Make friends and get involved serving at a local Bible-teaching church.

    o Telling others about Jesus and how He's blessed you.

    God has told me about His plans for my future, after I spent many years in failure, frustration, and aimlessness. I wish I'd known what I know now when I was 15. Now I'm passing it on to you. God has already promoted me in ways I didn't expect. He can do the same for you if you put Him first. Check out the links below, and may the Lord bless you richly.

  11. I would say set small, realistic goals to guide you to your lofty ones. And work as hard as you can to achieve those goals.

  12. You can start by telling yourself that your just 15 and you have a long long life ahead of you. Everybody want to achieve great things in their lives and you just start by making goals. List all the things you'd like to do or have in your life that when you look back at your life you'll fell happy(be special to somebody one day, & i want to do all the things that i was made to be be) and also include small things like remodeling your room or making your friend's day really special. and surround yourselvs by people who think you're worth it.

  13. standing up for yourself....umm, ever try martial arts? it can build a strong inner (and outer) healthy self confidence, especially if you find a good teacher.....go to a national association and get recommendations for your area. trust your instinct when making a decision.

    give yourself credit for things that you are, and the things that you are you good at.....look yourself in the mirror every day and tell yourself that you are worth loving....a negative thought comes in, replace it with a positive one. practice, practice, practice.

    cognitive excersizes are help, like the one above. a good counselor that focuses in on cognitive behavioral therapy can be very useful and practical.

    don't give up, keep reaching out til you find someone to inspire and help you. read, journel, paint.....get your thoughts out of your head, find things that make you happy, open your heart.

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