
How do i make my two 6 months guinea pigs bond together ?

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I got 2 guinea pigs at home. I bought both of them in the same time and put them in the cage same time too. They were very nice to each other for the first few weeks. And then, they start to fight another( to become dominant i think) So, one of them became the dominant. But the thing is the dominant guinea pig is so mean to another. That makes another guinea pig wants to fight back its dominant. How do i make them to be friend to each other and no more fight. They're are separating right now because the one that fight back got injury and getting heal. i separated them about 3 weeks already. I tried to put one of them to another guinea pig side, but they will fight right the way no matter what. It's so hard to make 2 guinea pigs at the same age to live in peace. Is there any advice that make them live friendly to the other again ?




  1. same thing hapened with mine.

    all you need to do is buy a run for them it doesnt have to be massive just big enough for them to let off some energy

    put them in it during it day make sure you have soemthing for them to go under when it gets hot + food and water

    al there doing is competing for space, this shold sort out the problem and will love eachother again

  2. Try putting them in a "neutral cage" that either one of them have never been before! Time and patience, try holding both of them on your lap, letting both run on the floor, let them play outside their cage together, and then try to put them in a neutral cage, get two waterbottles, food dishes, potties, two houses, two of everything so they don't have to share, make sure the cage is plenty big so they have room to be away from eachother when they want. Supervise them at all times for a while, spend a good hour or two watching them at first, even more! Its a very slow process. To me males seem to be harder than females, just have patience. And if this don't work maybe they aren't meant to have friends.

  3. Duct tape them together. They will probably learn to love each other after a week or two.

  4. The problem is it might be 2 females or 2 males. Get a guinea pig of the other gender and it will be happy with it (usually) except for that, I don't think you can do anything. If you introduce them again, they will fight over again.

  5. You need patience & to properly re-introduce them. They are going through guinea pig puberty right now and they are trying to sort out their dominance with all of these added hormones.

    To introduce them you need to take them to an area neither of them have ever been before, and set out two piles of veggies/hay to distract them from arguing. Don't give them anywhere to hide, as that can cause fights to break out! Leave them to meet for at least 30 minutes, and don't separate unless there is bloodshed. (Hair pulling, rumbling, circling, & mounting are all normal.)

    Clean out the cage with bleach & clean all toys and accessories inside the cage. This will ensure neither guinea pig feels they have already 'claimed' the cage or the items inside it. Once they've been in the initial meeting area for a long enough time for them to be completely worn out, you can put them into the cage. Remember, they most likely won't get along right away! Just let them be, and do not separate again unless there is bloodshed!

    If this doesn't work, you can always try a 'buddy bath'. This is where you bathe them together so they go through what they consider a 'traumatic experience' together, and forget that they should be fighting! Works most of the time. Good luck!

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