
How do i make pic like this??

by  |  earlier

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like with the color standing out?? and how can u change ur eye color??




  1. ARRGH WHY?!?!?!?!?!?! MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. photoshop. you gotta buyy it like at target. and take the tutorials =D

  3. edit it


  4. you can do with even the most basic photo editor.

    if you have a camera an editor should have come with it.

    if not google search "free photo editor" and download it.

    to get the colours to stand out, contrast is used.

    you can also use a tiny bit of saturation, but if too much is used it can make peole look orange.

    play around with the different controls for different results.


  5. Looks like she has photo shop or a similar software. There are all sort of retouching software that you can get for your computer. Some can even change the shape of your face, give you perfect skin. You can't believe any photos you see nowadays.

  6. You could try using photofiltre.

    There's a 30 day trial, or a free version.

    The trial version is soo much better than

    the free one though.

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