
How do i make quick money ? ?

by  |  earlier

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Hello , I'm 15 , i cant get a job and i want to make some quick money , around my age , id just like a quick way to get 20pounds at the fastest maybe 20-50 pounds would do , Please no yard sales and no selling stuff , it doesn't work like that over here in ireland , nobody comes lol.

Please help , Im 15 , Oh and dont say work around the house -.-




  1. Making quick money generally is not easy for anyone.  Thats the lesson you should learn while you are still 15.

  2. Get a paper round, or be a milk boy x

  3. ireland? i live in dublin and i used to make money shopping for old neighbours. i offered to get them the morning paper, milk, and pick up a perscription or something.(basically do chores/messages) and they would pay me €5 each. so i with one trip to the local shops i would make bout €50. and then they used to ask me to help with gardening, diy stuff around the house etc and they usually gave me money for that too...

  4. Hmmm.. Let me see. You can try attending youth oppurtunity program..  

  5. you can find jobs at restaurants....or cut grass rake leaves for other is soo cool that you live in ireland...i live in America...

  6. Stick up banks.

    Sell potatoes.

  7. this( ) is true you actually make money cuz you are writing reviews know how they pay people to play kids game before they publish it its the same thing......they pay you so they can study what people like) they paid me $75 last time

    sign up here its free and safe

  8. prostitution? lol

  9. Baby-sit or cut elderly peoples yards. that's how i get a ton of money

  10. A girl near where I live put up flyers in the park offering to walk people's dogs and mind them and stuff. If you're any good with animals it's always a handy service for people.  

  11. There are many ways you can earn quick money  online and from work at home jobs. All you need is a scam free list of all possible ways by which you can earn online and from home. Visit  

    Gives you a spam free list of online jobs and work at home jobs list without investment

  12. Really , your not leaving much  for people to tell you.

    Your` , your own worst enemy !  If you don't want sales, is

    there things like paper distribution from a newsagent ? or

    do you know any Wealthy houses that you can go and ask

    for any work at all ?.

    When  your starting of , you must leave yourself open to try

    anything .... and then work from there to better yourself.

    You don't knock stuff back till you have actually tried it.

    Usualy your age, there is beginner jobs in most companies,

    or businesses that can afford a young person.

    * Waitressing - * Junior Cook - * House help {use imagination}

    * Newspaper delivery - * Factory hand * Tradesman in Company

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