
How do i make two cats get along?

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i have a 4 month old cat and i just got a 8 week old cat and the 4 month cat hisses and doesnt seem to get along with the new cat... and i was wondering what i could to to make them get along??




  1. My dad told me his friend put his dog and cat into a bathroom for an hour or soo and hen they got along(used to each other) maybe you should try it. It might not work. My two cats have been together for 2 years and still hate each other. :(

  2. put them both in a cage and turn off the light, come back late late in the day or tomorrow and they should be fine, repeat this process

  3. u cant  

  4. Put them both in a box for a few nights.

  5. The first cat you had is simply acting like a normal cat, your house has become its territory. You will have to give it some time to adjust to the new roomy, and try not to make it jealous by giving all your attention to the new cat.  Remember not to reward any bad behavior on the part of the old cat though.  Time and patience is all you really have, it shouldn't take that long.

  6. You can't MAKE them get along. They are just gonna have to get used to each other.

  7. I would recommend getting a copy of the book cat vs. cat by Pam Johnson-Bennett.  It has many excellent suggestions on how to have peace in the house when you have multiple cats.  This is one of the most helpful books I've seen in my 8 years of cat rescue and I found it useful in my own home.

  8. First off DO NOT force the issue. let them work on their differences.

    DO NOT lock them in the same room together. You should do the opposite. keep them separate if you have to until they get used to each others scent

    Ignore any unwanted behaviour. totally ignore it!!  

    Purchase a product called Feliway!  Its used to deter urine markings and to calm cats.  It tricks them into thinking ."everythings okay here"

    I bought the Feliway plug in from PetSmart. (canada)

    another trick you can try.. get a toy mouse tied to a string. play with one cat and encourage the other to play also.  try to get both playing basically at the same time.  

    Time!  Ofcourse your 4month cat is upset.  its her/his territory.  it will get better in time

    Good luck and definetly check out FELIWAY

  9. um you could carry both of them in the same time try grabbing softly one cat and take it to the other cat and if it dose not want. then i don't now but sorry.but one thing don't sale none of your cat that be really mean. they have to get use to it  or just say no stop or give it a time out and say wrong correct both of it..but don't sale it only if a cat hurts a cat. that's my answer  bye..

  10. Not much.  My older cat still hates my younger one and they've been together for 6 years.  Eventually they will learn to tolerate each other and not try to kill each other.

  11. Do they fight or just hiss at each other? It doesn't sound like the intro went all that bad if all they're doing is hissing. Keep them in separate rooms for a few days, and switch their bedding back and forth so they can learn each other's smell. Then, try the introduction again. Put some treats on the floor between them to help them understand that being together is good. Also make sure you're giving your existing cat plenty of attention.

  12. The will find time to get used to each other that happened to my cats when i got my new 1

  13. We seperated our cats for 3-4 days by keeping them in different rooms and then introduced them by holding the new one. Our local vet recommended this and it worked for us each time we added an animal.

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