
How do i manage my time to study for SAT over the summer vacation?

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Right now it's July 14 and I havent studied at all for the SAT and its my last chance to take the test this coming fall. So starting now, what's the best way to study since it's pretty late. I thought i would have studied earlier like after school ended but i ended up getting lazy unfortunately.

so what should i do for time management?

i have this sat book that has 12 practice tests (each test is like the actual exam) -- how do i manage that within july and august?




  1. Set a special time for an hour or so at night to study

  2. ha,ha you have 2 study.

  3. haha, i just graduated from high school but i had the same problem last year. I started panicking around early July b/c i haven't really studied. What I did is doing at least one practice test everyday, i know that sounds a lot but if u want a good score u need to work hard for it. In the beginning it takes a long time to finish one test, but later on my pace got faster and faster. So even though I started late, when school started, I finished like 40 practice tests. My parents are strict so they made sure i did what i'm suppose to do, that means sometimes I can't hang out w/ friends and do other fun stuff until i'm done w/ at least one practice test each day. So yeah, is pretty intensive...but i did well on the test!!!

    good luck!

  4. Ah, I am in exactly same spot as you are...I am taking SAT classes twice a week, and other then that, just DO the problems.

    Just keep doing the problems and workshops, and hopefully we both do good on the next SAT :)

  5. Same here. On the contrary, I'm taking the ACT, but I only have one shot to take it this upcoming fall, so I really need to manage the time remaining. I just ordered a bunch of prep. books, and I'm going to study each day for that. Set a specific time each day, and commit yourself to that everyday. Maybe you should get another book that will teach you strategies for the SAT, and once you've studied that, you can take the practice exams. Go to and look for books. Look at the reviews that buyers have given certain books and pick the book that you find will be most helpful. Now you have to work harder because you have to make up for the time you missed in june and the beginning of july, so you have to work maybe 3 hours a day. It's possible, but you really have to be determined. Just tell yourself that the studying will get you the score you want. Good luck; I hope you do well.

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