I don't know how to manage my debt. I owed the credit cards and have to make the monthly payments to them nearly double of my monthly earnings. The payment that i made each month includes interest which is of course a higher portion than the principle amount. To be able to cover my debt payment each month, i have to make the payment for the credit card one by one so that i can withdraw (borrow) the money again to make the paym for another credit cards. It'll take me 5-6 years to be able to clear the debt if i continue to make it this way (that's also only if i do not have any additional expenditure - which is impossible). I have no other way to increase my earnings. Do you have any suggestions for how to manage the credit card payment? I'm just tensed and don't know where else to go to, so i am just writing it here to let it out, and just incase i can get any advise from you. Many Thanks
From a discouraged friend...