
How do i measure the weight of my head? Thanks.?

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No violent answer allow.




  1. Take a large bucket, fill it with water to a measured point, emerse your head into the water, and measure the change in water level.  Find the volume of water that was displaced by your head by measuring the difference in water levels before and durring the head emersion.  The volume found gives you the volume of your head.  The human body barely floats in water, so the average density of your body is near the average density of water.  If you know the weight of water per volume unit such as millileteres, you can then calculate the weight of your head.  

    ex. If the volume of your head is 1 gallon, and the weight of a gollon of water is 9 pounds, then your head is around nine pounds.

  2. Measure your head and calculate the weight based off of the volume and average density of the human body (or the weight of water)

  3. maybe lay on a matress with your head hanging.Then place your head on something that can measure weight.Therefore you can find your head's weight..thats not violent right??haha...

  4. theory here:

    you can assume that the density of your head is the density of water.

    however there's an easier way than described above. this way is even without any calculations: again you have to put your head into a bucket of water. just weigh the bucket of water while your head is inside (maybe ask someone to help you with this) and afterwards. The difference is exactly the mass of water of the volume of your head.

    if you don't hold your nose it is in my opinion a very violent way.

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