
How do i mentally make myself stronger for anything?

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if u say meditate tell me how




  1. go bungee jumping

  2. Try face to face  to stop a truck running at 80. if succeed, sure you'll feel stronger for anything else.

    Basically, don't be afraid to die.

  3. I would say that an mp3 player and some good songs will slowly teach your mind to be strong as the song. Learn to look out side your head instead of inside it. The trees the streets are outside not inside. Looking out is a good mental practice. I know you can land serious tricks if you look outward and not inward.Inward you run into your own feet cause you didn't see them

  4. Nothing makes you stronger than overcoming adversity. It's not enough just to finish the race, you have to win the race in order to gain inner strength.

  5. Power is the ability to do what you are doing while you are doing it and nothing else.

    Look at someone really excelling.  He is focused 100% on what he is doing. He's not thinking about the fight last night with his girlfriend or what he really should have said in the argument earlier.  

    You can practise this by going for a walk and just look at things without thinking.  Gradually the other distracting thoughts die down and you can focus better.

  6. i usually envision success, it actually helps, picturing each successful move. i clear my mind of other thoughts, and i think of failure as a less preferred outcome, not as a blemish on my record. i think of success as a step forward, and failure is a chance to fuel my motivation to do well.

    thats a really general answer, but the q is kinda general!

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