
How do i no when my budgies r ready 4 breading?

by  |  earlier

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i originally had 2 female budgies and then i introduced a male budgie. the faught over him so i baught another male budgie for one of them. so now i have 2 pairs. how do i no when they r ready to bread and do they only bread in spring? Thnx 4 ur help.




  1. Budgies become sexually mature at 3 or 4 months of age but the ideal budgie breeding age is 12 months. You should not breed budgies until the male and female are at least 12 months of age.

    Budgies only breed in summer and spring.

  2. Wait until they are all over one year of age

    The female nose(cere) is kinda of a ugly brown color and bumpy looking ..Her nose would look different..

    Make sure you do alot of research and get them two nest boxes.

    You would also notice the male be extra nice to the female like he is cleaning her and feeding her and softly chirping to her while walking back and forth on the perch..also you would notice him lifting his foot on her back then the male jumping onto her back...

    Adding a nestbox to the cage kind of encourges the birds to get into breeding mode

    Parakeets breed year around if the conditions are right..Mine just started this month

    Only breed them twice of year and give them a cuttle bone and extra veggies

    Good Luck :)

  3. I really wouldn't bread them, they taste better just as they are

  4. Well depending on their age they must be over a year old too breed. Especially the females as they are still growing and if all of a sudden they have to lay... they are going to lose a lot of nutrients and calcium on the egg shell. This could lead to malnourishment and possibly death.

    Well first thing are their Ceres fully developed? this is a sign they are ready.

    Do your budgies play together sit together, groom each other and most importantly kiss each other. If yes your birds are bonding.

    The only time your bird will mate is when there is a box inside of outside their cage which is accessible, this give the impression that they can breed. A bit like us we wouldn't intentionally conceive child if we didn't have a home for our young ones too grow would we. Well it is basically the same.

    Most budgies become sexually active towards one another after being in the same area for about 4-5 months.

    It allows bonding and ''getting to know'' one and other.

    Try bredding then during Summer and Spring therefore it not too cold and they will be more sexually active.

    Good luck.

    But don't breed them too much it put a lot of strain on them both

  5. When they feel the knead.................They will start to bread..

  6. what is a budgie?

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