
How do i not STRESS OUT.?

by  |  earlier

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I am usually a good student but i stress out a lot each time that i have a math exam. as a result, i end up with Cs. It saddens me a lot because i know i understand the materials but i just can't pull the exams off.... It does not happen in any other subject, Just maths. Any suggestion to not stress out during exams? focus and do a better job???




  1. Sounds like you have math anxiety not general stress.  go to and try some of the math quizzes for practise.  the next time you have a test, read the entire test before you answer any questions, then re-read and complete any problems you  know the correct answer immediatly.  finally go back and work on the ones that are more difficult.  If you try to figure our the answer and can't get it, move on to the next problem.

    Rehersal of math problems are your best weapon.  That and understanding that you are not alone with this math stress.  Many of us have it.  Unless your career is going to demand a serious level of math, take the C's and move on, it will not have a big impact on your life.

  2. dont think of it as a exam. its just same work u do in class buh u can earn more easy points. u know everything on there already so u should be relaxed .

  3. take your time and study before but not too much just enough to play around after the day is over

  4. Before any exam (a night before) sleep well and don't over feed.

  5. uuuuh ...i get this tooooo...hate it sooo much....but....i try to not think about it...listen to you music...mmm...try to just get mad at yourself like mmmm i know this i got this ....i will pass this estupidooo test...okayyy ...and idk ..well dats wut i do...muahaha

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