
How do i not be scared to play football?

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Football practice starts tomorrow, and I really wanna be a receiver, but I'm nervous to go out there and practice. How do I go out there tomorrow and not be afraid/nervous to play? I'm not scared of injuries. I just get intimidated really easily and I don't want it to affect whether or not I play receiver. What should i do?




  1. It sounds like your new to this and are just a bit nervous.  You just have to get out there and do it.  Try taking some slow deep breaths to help with the nerves and have confidence in yourself...I'm sure you'll do just fine.  

  2. Well, I admit that Im not much of a sporty person either, but you just need to try your best, thats all you can do. If you are nervous, go for a jog and clear your mind. If you really do try people notice that. People make mistakes all the time in sport and if you do stuff up don't be ashamed. Be proud of the good things you achieve.

  3. don't worry about it.  just go out and have fun with it.  if it's the first practice your not going to be hitting, you'll be running for the most part.  don't think about the drills you do, just do them.  it'll all work out.

  4. i started playing football when i was 12... i started out playing with kids in my neighborhood our ages ranged from 12 to 18 since i was big for my age i always ended up playing with the bigger strong guys. at first i always got pounded and super intimidated i used to get fevers after some games. they used to scare the younger kids by telling stories of injuries and deaths, once i got told that if we kill you playing football is not our fault since i was the one that decided to play. man i heard every single way of dying while playing football. i was scared as h**l. after playing with them a couple of months i lost this fear and actually ran to them to savor the joy of running some one over and hearing   the air being forced out of there lungs. i started playing wide reciever but now i mostly play Tight end and sometime s QB. don't think the opponent its gonna be careful for you. they want to see you in pain so DONT SHOW IT. and yes it hurts but you'll grow into it. ive seen many cheap shots that have resulted in bad injuries but you'll learn how to overcome. good luck and play some defense to let your RAGE out. theres nothing better than playing spy and just destroy that runner and make him fumble. man its just ADRENALINE pumping.

  5. as you say your not scared of injuries, the rest of your fears can be dealt with this way. #1 your preparation-  how much film have you watched, did you notice how the good/great receivers didnt get jammed at the line of scrimmage, got seperation and ran clean routes. did you study your teams playbook. knowing the plays when they are called and not guessing means you can just react and not be thinking. ask your coach of game film on the team you are due to play each week. watch their lb'ers and db's, learn how to find gaps in their zones. being prepared  also means did you run sprints for overall speed, ran for distance so your stamina is good enough to last the whole practice or game, when everybody else is tired, your still going strong. as another poster mentioned, use that nervousness to get better, if you were not nervous it would probably mean you didnt care enough, therefore you wouldnt have a chance in you know what of being good. lastly, say these words over and over to yourself, I am out on this field, and the man and team across from me is not going to stop me, my preparation and dedication to my position cant be stopped. maybe for a play here and there, but at the end of the day, me and my team will have beaten you.

  6. You gotta ask yourself, "What is the most I would do to score a cheerleader?" I'm sure a starting receiver would have no trouble scoring a cheerleader. Everyone out there is gonna act like an animal. You gotta make yourself the filthiest animal out there.  

  7. I'm guessin ur a freshman in high school trying football for the first time...could be wrong tho. Anyways just go out there and ya you'll prob be nervous the first few days but then you'll get used to it and if you don't like it try cross country  

  8. It's impossible to not be scared--instead try to use your fear to your advantage.  Channel that energy into running faster and hitting harder.

  9. I say just do it and get it over with

  10. d**n ur one who gets intimidated huh? well u better fix that or u wont do great/ probably wont get any playing time (im not trying to be mean) back when i played in high school i got so hyped and had the mentallity that i could take anyone down, in a playoff game i once had 13 tackles, 1 interception, 2 fumble recoveries, and 1 TD :D

  11. quit being a ***** and get out there

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