
How do i not get nervous in sports?

by  |  earlier

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when im getting ready to play i get extreme nerves. not just the normal healthy kind everyone gets, but hypervenalation dizzy nervousness. Since its while i play VB, i cant focus because im so scarred of messing up, i mess up X10 worse than i wouldve if i wasnt nervous. I was wondering how i can get rid of this? is there a pill i can take or a trick that truly works anyone knows? HELP. I NEED MAJOR HELP =(




  1.  iam currently not playing any sports mostly because i get so nervous before any sporting event i mean i love to try to play sport i got good at track and didt lose 1 game in 1 mile and then i finished the year and now my dad wonts me to play some sports and i cant handle the way i get so nervous i mean its like i wont to quit i need HELP PLEASE  

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