
How do i nurse a kitten back to health?

by  |  earlier

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My cat had 4kittens 4 weeks ago, and all though i took them to the vet to make sure that they are healthy ( he said tehy were) one kitten is not eating, and wables when he walks and all he does is sleep. while the other 3 kittens are fluffy and chubby and playing around with eachother, this one is skinny and doesnt play with his brothers and sisters and does not latch on to his mommy to eat... he woke up like this today. i mean he was skinny but had energy and would eat from his mommy... :s WHAT SHOULD I DO?




  1. If I were you, I'd ask a vet.

  2. since he won't latch on go to the grocery store or pet store and find purchase cartons of friskies cat milk. get him to drink the cat milk and to help litter train him. before he eats put him in the litter box. He may or may not use it. Whatever the outcome feed him the cat milk and as soon as he's done drinking put him back in the litter box. If he uses it good and keep him on that schedule. If he doesn't and he goes to sleep as soon as he wakes up put him the the litter box cause he'll need to go then for sure if he hasn't already.  That way he'll eat and start to grow regularly.

  3. I have the same issue also. All the above answers sound great!

  4. Well, tell your vet. But asap, go to your local pet store and get a bottle and some kitten formula. Make the kitten eat, even if its by force feeding! If it wont eat, it could die. Good luck!

  5. he is the runt so be sure to get some formula for him and maybe even a bottle. if the problem continues take him to the vet. remember that cats sleep alot of the day though.

  6. Sounds like you've got a runt.  Runts can grow up to be just as healthy as their bigger sibs with the right care.  I would definitely get a vet's input on what the  kitten needs in order to thrive.  

  7. get out and get  KMR, Kitten milk replacement, and a bottle, an eye dropper thats unused will work. Warm it to about the tempeture of baby formula. try to gently give it to him, if he dosent take it you will have to forse feed him. Call your vet they will have more ideas. GOOD LUCK!

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