
How do i organise a Melbourne Cup sweep for 28 people? How do the 4 extra people get a horse too?

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How do i organise a Melbourne Cup sweep for 28 people? How do the 4 extra people get a horse too?




  1. Double up on your horses e.i. put each horse in twice and the participants in the sweep pay for the number of chances they want.   Allocate 50% of the pool to the winner (x2 = they get 25% each) 30% to the 2nd horse (15% ea) and 15% to the 3rd horse (7.5% ea) - we pay out the last 5% to the ticket holder who drew the runner who ran last.  The actual amount each drawer receives for running 1st, 2nd, or 3rd is still the same as it would have been if you only had 24 in the sweep - the pool has doubled.  If you do not sell all the tickets (and I'd be surprised if you don't - for many people the Melbourne Cup is the one bet they will have all year and they really let the moths out of their wallets!) discard the leftover tickets and adjust the divvies accordingly.

    Make sure you write down the rules of your sweep and pin it somewhere for everyone to see so there is no argument after the race.  Keep the sweep price within everyone's budget (usually $5 max per ticket) as most people are in it for the fun of it and not to gamble.   If you are running a big sweep I would recommend you keep it to 24 horses and 24 people - just tell them "First in First served"  

    Hope this helps

  2. You can have several sweeps at varying prices and each person buys however many horses they want. Usually people have two or three different horses. So if #1 wins the cup then the person with that horse in each of the sweeps wins.

    Some people only buy one horse, others will by 5 or 6.

  3. Have a $1 and a $2 sweep.

    Some people will buy both,some won't

    If you have any horses leftover when everyone has had a chance to buy a ticket or two there will always be people willing to dip into their pocket again.After all Australians do like a punt apparently

    On the $1 sweep perhaps pay out $14  for 1st,$6 for 2nd,$3 for 3rd and money back for last and just double it for the $2 sweep.

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