
How do i organize a tree planting in cebu city? ?

by  |  earlier

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it's something i wanna do to help the environment. hopefully it'll happen cz i know it'll really go a long way in the long run. =)




  1. look for a free space that is perfect to plant trees on..then if u have a lot of volunteers...ask one of them to bring a seedling of a tree..NOT THE SEED..but has grown leaves already or sumthing but not seeds...and then if the tree planting will go on..each one must look for their space which are not sooo close..and then plant their trees together at the same time...;...

  2. That's really a Good work . Planting trees you can do in 3 steps .

    Take a 1 KG polythene cover fill it with Mud and sow the seed .

    Let the seed germinate and grow it for 1 month water it daily and let the hight of tree grow to 2 feet

    Now select any Barran Isolated land where you think the Plant can survive with out you watering the plant .

    My view on growing tree

    Do you know that 1 single Tree can reduce temperature upto 5 Degree of surroundings .

    1 Tree is equivalant to 10 Air Conditioners.

    After Heavy Rains 1 Tree can store enough rain Water to reduce Floods in 1 Acre of land .

    You can just Plant One tree to reduce global warming . If each one of 6 Billion population on earth plant 1 tree a year and take care of the growth of the tree then there would be 6 Billion tree in 1 year .

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