
How do i over come my shyness in high schhol ?

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Ever since i started high school I have been shy. I find it hard to talk to the teachers even when i need help. I hardly ever smile (at school), I feel like I wanna speak out and stand up for who i am but i just cant and i don't know why. When i am asked to speak in front of the class i often back out and cant do it, and then the teacher ends up shouting at me. Because i am going back next week i want to go back confident but how ? can anyone help ?




  1. do something "extreme" to boost your confidence. i am just like you, but yesterday i got my ears pierced for a third time and it gave me a real confidence boost, now i don't care that im going back to school next week.

  2. its allll about acting confident even if your not. ask your teacher for help after school and if u dnt wanna do that then ask someone in your class, not only do you get help but you make friends. if you act confident you will look confident.

  3. little by little try coming out of your shell. since its the start of a new year its the best time to start. try talking to more people....raise your hand in class maybe once then build up your courage to a few times a week, maybe even day. if you don't establish this sort of behavior early on...its harder to fix as the school year goes along.  

  4. I was like that too, then i decided to join the dance team. And then i comfortable with myself and made lot's of friends and memories. Just join a team or afterschool activity.  

  5. Just go for it... whats the point in living your high school life like that... dont listen to what people say.. just say what you want to say

  6. High school can be hard and there are a lot of pressures that exist there. My main advise to you is be who you are no matter what. It seems that part of the issue may be you dont know what others think of you or what they will think if you speak your mind. Try being more open with people and if you have to get up infront of the class then do this old methods that always works (believe me I am a theater major and it does) picture everyone in their underware or if there are people you really dont want to think of that way put them all in bunny suits. Shyness can be overcome by just standing up once and showing who you are. Remember you are only going to be with these people for a few short years after that you are going to go out in the world and meet new people so dont worry what they think of you.

    When I was in High School I was in the Drama Club and Class president but i wasnt what you would consider the top tier of the school. However I didnt care if someone came up to me and called me a dork I would correct them and say "Thats Mr. Dork to you." Be proud of who you are and always remember that it doesnt matter what others think of you only what you think of you.  

  7. join a club or sports team

  8. i have the same problem but got over it by not thinking about what i said before i said it and not caring about what others think

    i also stopped over analyzing and reading into things

    joining a sports team helps too

  9. well i have the same problem i have always been really quiet ans shy :) it gets better though, the more friends you make and the more you get to know people you get more confident, it will get better in time good luck :)  

  10. your going to have to come out and talk to people..and just think that people are not there when you speak in class

  11. hey there

    i was like tht too.

    but do you know what helped me and i know it probably wont for you. well the person tht helped me was Miley Cyrus.

    yeah, i might not no her and she might live over the sea from me but she still has an amazing tv show tht i watch. and shes my idol and because shes so independant and care free and just makes life a laugh, it makes me like tht i look up to her.

    okay, this isnt about me but do u see where im getting too?

    if you have an idol or a band tht u like. try looking up there personality.

    like acting. just walk in skwl with a smile on bur face and youl go far because thats all the help you need. a smile.

    trust me i was so shy id cry but it reli helped me to have some one to look up to.

    good luck and tell me how it goes.! x

  12. Remember that you are as good as everyone else, you have a right to be here.  You are unique and have wonderful traits that others would love to see.  Why don't you show them?  You might be surprised.

  13. When your speaking in front of the class, find something in the back of the room to keep your eyes on, instead of looking at the class. This way, you're just looking at the wall but to your peers, it will look like your looking at them. As for asking teachers for help, you just got to do it. When they were in school, they asked their teachers for help. You don't have to be ashamed to ask for extra help once in awhile. Everyone needs help in their life.

  14. Just do it.

    Remember the People that Matter Wont Care, and the People that Care, Wont Matter!!!!!!

    You have to not worry what others think and just do it!

    I was shy all through high school, I am now married and have a child. I dont care what anyone thinks of me

    Maybe you should join the Drama team? Or maybe the school paper??

  15. Just do it, think about what you have to lose, nothing. Think why other people can do it and not care, because there is nothing to lose. Just do it, it get's very easy each time you do it.

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