
How do i overcome insecurities?

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i worry that my girlfriend will cheat on me or she doesn't actually want to be with me, it worries me because she can be doing something completely innoccent and my mind will see the worst of it.




  1. I am very sorry you feel like this. May I suggest that you try to focus on your strengths rather that your weaknesses. Positives, not negatives. In the meantime please google a short piece called Desiderata. I think it will help you a lot with the difficulties that you face. Best wishes for now & your future. UK

  2. The comments here are all very helpful, just want to add something.

    Ask yourself:

    "Would you rather let those INSECURITIES RULE over you? Or YOU RULING over those insecurities?"

    The answer's yours.

  3. No matter how hard you try to not have insecurities they will still remain within your thoughts. This is because we as humans all have insecurities, but those insecurities that appear to be annoying are actually what can help you. If you felt comfortable with everything and you felt secure, you would actually be more lily to be cheated on. Lucky we all have the gift of curiosity which makes us always makes us feel somewhat insecure. The level of insecurity fluctuates between different people. You never want to overcome insecurities.

  4. Sounds more like Jealousy, which I guess is a sign of insecurity but with a lot of anger mixed in.

    Deal with your anger by finding out what you are angry with.

    Conceptualize that your girl friend is with you by her choice.

    If you do things for her, like trusting her, she will be more endearing to you.

    Take small steps in doing things that you are confident in and add little tasks that you are not so confident in, in other words make a conscious choice to go outside by small amounts of the normal things you would do.

    As you gain confidence in yourself, you will gain trust in her.

    Basically though, you should at first trust a person until they prove they are not worthy of your trust. You would want that from others.

  5. i used to be insecure myself but i learn that insecurity comes from constantly focusing on yourself and nothing isnt all about you.and it never was.its about expressing who you are as a person and being the best person you can be.god will give you more challenges to overcome and you will grow out of it

  6. Are your insecurities realistic? If your girlfriend has a history of cheating, it's natural to assume it will happen to you. If not, perhaps you have a hard time trusting because you've been cheated (or hurt in other ways) before. Either way, you need to begin to trust more. Not everyone is out to hurt you.

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