
How do i overcome over sensitivity?

by  |  earlier

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I know all girls are emotional, but i am beyond that xD

there are so many times when i feel i will literally burst into tears, and i cannot explain why. The smallest thing triggers it. I have been feeling incredibly depressed and very lonely lately, but i have cried since i was very little.... If there is any answer to how i can stop it, it would be greatly appreciated!




  1. Don't know same way. Or almost exactly like that. Sorry!

  2. You realize that your life really isn't as bad as you think it is when you think about all the problems in the world.

  3. Try not to take things personally and stop making assumptions.

  4. It may be just a bad habit or a learned coping mechanism. Counseling would probably help you to find other ways to cope.  

  5. I don't know how to say this...but you're pregnant.

  6. You should keep track of every trigger,

    maybe write it in a diary, or something along those lines,

    and then you can hoen in on each trigger, and why they affect you so much.

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