Ok, I want to paint stripes my bedroom walls,please tell me how you do that, after considering these things:
1. My Bedspread: Polkadots that are different shades of pink .
2. Stripe colors: hot pink, light green, sky blue, and white. (my fav colors, and most of my furniture are those colors.
3. The stripes should all NOT be the same width.There should be more skinny and medium stripes than large stripes.
Some what like this excepts diff colors. : http://lh5.ggpht.com/_rsvuV9eKYAo/SCTN9Pc0aVI/AAAAAAAALhA/ff1bKw9norQ/LNT+Narrow+Vertical+Stripes+Green+and+Blue.jpg
What width order of the stripes should I use, and what is the best pattern of colors(ex. 5in, 4 in, 6,in,4 in and green, blue, green, pink, etc)
4. I want to paint the stripes only 1/3 the way up the wall. then I will paint the rest a solid color, maybe a light pink.
5.I have really wide walls, 2 are 19.5 feet wide and the other 2 are 16 feet wide.
Please refer me to websites too if you can!