
How do i pass a lie detecter tesr?

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i am thinking of going ro the new game show moment of truth and i want to know how to pass a lie detecter test?




  1. Thye measure it mostly by things like your heart rate(it will go up if you get nervous which probably means you are lying), if you get tense, if you blink more often and your body language.

    So, just stay calm, stay focused and pretend to yourself that you are telluing the truth.

  2. There are several ways.

    1. Drugs that slow heart rate.

    2. a control device such as a needle in your shoe to poke yourself when asked a controlled question like what is your name to get your heart rate up

    3. Mentally controlled. Best way but most difficult to master. Some can tell a lie w/out issue by knowing the test can only detect it if you believe it will and then get scared. You can lie to yourself and believe it. Or when a question is asked "have you ever cheated on your significant other" you ask same question in your head but add something at the end to make it false like "have you ever cheated on your significant other while at the library" thus your not telling a lie.

  3. One thing I saw once was when they ask you a question that you want to lie to, think of another question in your mind and when you answer the question out loud you actually be answering your own question truthfully. Example:

    Q: Have you ever cheated on your spouse?

    Now think about a question in your mind that you could truthfully answer "no" to. Such as:

    - Do I like Britney Spears?

    Then Answer: "h**l No!"

    Hope this helps.

  4. relaxation.  keep your heart rate down.  try not to perspire too much.  and say the answers realxed, no hesitation during answering

  5. * Develop a breathing strategy. Throughout the test (except during control questions) maintain a normal breathing rate of 15-30 breaths per minute. Do not breathe too deeply. Then alter breathing rate with control questions. You can make it faster or slower, you can hold your breath for a couple of seconds after an exhalation, or you can breathe more shallowly, for example. Do this for 5-15 seconds, and return to your normal breathing pattern before the next question. As explained above, the polygrapher will compare your physiological responses to control questions to your responses to relevant questions. If the deviation from normal during control questions exceeds the deviation from normal during relevant questions, you will pass. If, however, you react more to a relevant question than to control questions, the polygrapher will perceive (rightly or wrongly) that you are lying in response to something relevant—you will fail the polygraph.

        * Do math in your head. During control questions do something mentally complex. For example, count backwards in your head as quickly as possible or do some quick long division, as you are answering the question.

        * Think about something exciting or frightening; think of things that make you ecstatic, fearful, or frustrated.

        * Bite your tongue. Bite the side of your tongue hard enough to cause pain, but not so hard as to draw blood. Practice this in a mirror to be sure the polygrapher cannot detect it. This is highly effective, but may be detectable if you have to speak for an extended period, because you can’t bite while you’re speaking. Only use this method if you can give a quick “yes” or “no” response, which, luckily, will be most of the time.

        * Insert a small nail or tack in the toe area of your shoe and press down on this during the control questions to elicit a pain response. This is a sound method, but it is easily defeated if the polygrapher asks you to remove your shoes.

        * Contract your anal sphincter muscle when a control question is asked. While also highly effective, this method may (or may not) be discovered with the use of pressure-sensitive seat pads that are now commonly used.

  6. You must believe the lie.  A lie detector measures pulse, heart rate and certain chemical releases in the brain that happen when you lie.  If you can't make yourself believe the lie then you would have to be completely moraly bankrupt so that even when you lie your heart rate and brain remain unchanged.

  7. The best way is to tell the truth and the second best is to just try not to be nervous.

  8. Tell the truth

  9. There is one method which has been used several times. It is placing a tack in your shoe. As strange as it sounds. i argued with my husband saying (It doesn't work etc). They actually have a few films about it. I hate being wrong >:{    

    Do math in your head. During control questions do something mentally complex. For example, count backwards in your head as quickly as possible or do some quick long division, as you are answering the question.

    Think about something exciting or frightening; think of things that make you ecstatic, fearful, or frustrated.

    Bite your tongue. Bite the side of your tongue hard enough to cause pain, but not so hard as to draw blood. Practice this in a mirror to be sure the polygrapher cannot detect it.

    This is highly effective, but may be detectable if you have to speak for an extended period, because you can’t bite while you’re speaking. Only use this method if you can give a quick “yes” or “no” response, which, luckily, will be most of the time.

  10. Don't lie...

  11. Telling the truth not optional?

    The lie dector test can not really tell if you are lying- it bases it's reading of the human subject on his brain waves which we fortunately can control.  Here's how- slow your breathing and keep it at the same pace.  Keep the same focus throughout the entire test.  Do not blurt out any answers.  Slowly deleberate you word choice.  If they ask you something embarrassing but not criminal think twice about lying.  It is really hard to cover up the adrenline pumping when questions like that happen.  Good luck

  12. "just remember, it's not a lie if you believe it"

    -George Costanza

  13. Tell the truth.

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