
How do i pass my history gcse exam?

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im getting nervous about my history exam tomorrow and i dont know how i can pass it?

i really feel like i will fail and there is nothing i can do about it!!




  1. get off the computer i study for it? if you feel you're going to fail it shows you are unsure of what you know.

    there's no use being on the computer, get off the computer and read about hitler...

    ^^ ocr? i have the same exam tomorrow. good luck!

  2. Point



    know you're knowledge :D get it into a good order in your head. Just...regurgitate what you know onto the paper and you'll eb fine, keep referring back to the question.

    At the start make a plan of what you're gonna say. e.g. prove the cold war was due to fears and suspician.   you give a brief introduction about the cold war, then say it was the fact the usa had missiles, one was communist, one was capitalist, misunderstandings such as the Ussr's buffer zones being interpreted as a threat to europe etc. you then have to do a conclusion summing up all the points and giving your opinion.

    good luck =)

  3. What areas you doing?

    Cold War is terrible,

    Attempting the cuban missile crisis,

    Plus they don't give you enoough time in the exam D;

    Good luck anyway!

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