
How do i pay attention in class?

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How do i pay attention in class?




  1. Don't do the crossword or Sudoku during lecture.

    Actually sit there with a notebook, write down the topics of the lecture in outline form so that you can recreate the lecture in your mind before finals (important... professor mentions the author of a book, then write it down.  If you can refer to this later in essay form, you're golden).

    Complete the assigned readings BEFORE the first class of the week.  Your professor will probably refer to them, and if you want to participate, you better make sure you know your stuff.

    (From the "Go Hokies" line, I'm assuming you are at a University, perhaps Virginia Tech.)

  2. Well try to sit in the front and listen really open your ears and be willing to listen and it will be a wholelot funner and more interesting! I promiss!

  3. Oh a slacker are you lol sit on your own and find out what in that subject intrest you

  4. sit in the front away from friends and eat candy

  5. i know it gets boring but just focus on the teacher and try to listen and just think that you cant be there all day so look to the future and know that class is almost over. have fun in class

  6. Sit in the front row of the class.

  7. Since you are in preschool, don't worry, the teachers don't expect 2-3 year olds to have long attention spans.

  8. make notes on what your teacher is saying

    or try get invovled by answering questions and asking them

    if your in preschool then find something in the room or on the board that interests you and try and involve it into what your teacher is saying

  9. Are you the teacher?  Ummm.....well, if you are interested in the subject you teach, then the children will be interested too.

    Good luck

  10. Well if you are in preschool like it says you would be because you posted it in that area, there isn't much to pay attention too, at least not for a long time because the teacher should know that you are not going to be able to focus for a long time period. Oh and if you are you are smart for being able to spell attention and asking the question.

    If you are not in preschool then you just need to focus on what is going on and stop doing whatever your doing not to be focusing in class. Pay attention to the teacher, listen to the teacher, and figure out what is going on.

  11. I have the same problem sometimes, lol.

    I would suggest sitting away from your friends and shutting away any thoughts that may be on your mind.

    It might also help to have a little jog before the lesson to clear your mind (althought that might make you tired)

    Good luck :)

  12. PRETEND your paying attention!

    Just watch the board, adn your teacher but think of other things!

  13. stay focused

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