
How do i permanently get rid of my guinea pigs impaction?

by  |  earlier

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i just inherited my guinea pig from my mother, she just passed. i knew nothing about guinea pigs until i brought him home & looked some stuff up. I discovered that he was older & i read that older boars can become impacted especially if they are not fixed. I dont have money to fix him. i was not expecting him to be such a chore. But one day when he wouldnt eat i decided to check him & sure enough the poor ole guy was impacted.yesterday i evacuated the f***s & cleaned him up, right after i cleared him he began to eat again. just to be sure the problem wasn't back i checked him today, & again he was backed up. i don't want to give him away but i don't think i can have a pet that is so problematic. I want to find a way to permanently get rid of my piggies problems.




  1. I don't think there's anything you can do at this point except regular cleaning. Once they get to that point, they're going to have the problem for life. Their muscles have weakened to the point where they can't expel the pellets anymore, and cleaning it out once won't solve the problem. I know it's not the answer you want, but at this point, think about maintenance, not a "cure."

    Have you read this?

    How old is he? Most guinea pig rescues won't adopt out an older pig with health problems, but some will take them on as a "sanctuary pig."    They're usually full to capacity and have their hands full with abandoned pigs, so if at all possible, try to keep him yourself. You might also be able to find an experienced guinea pig owner who's willing to take him in - you can try posting here:

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