
How do i persuade my mom for a guinea pig?

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How do i persuade my mom for a guinea pig?




  1. How i got my parents to got me hamsters was I told them it would teach them me responsibility, and show them or send them emails on how cute they are!!!! Also, sometimes use guinea pigs in ur sentences, as if u werent trying

  2. Tell your mom that you will do everything that you need to do and that you will do research all you can about it. Then do your chores without her asking you and do them extra good!! That worked for me!!!

    Hope i helped!!!!

  3. maybe you don't want a guinea pig, they're supposed to be really mean and aggressive, think about a bunny or a ferret.

    they're great, big rodents

  4. get the money your self and keep room clean main things

  5. IDK...i am trying to get a hamster or guinea pig right now too.

  6. raise the money, impress her and learn and tell her facts about them they r easy to find at petsmart and guinea pigs r only about 30 dollars

  7. Well here are some tips that might help. . . maybe.

    -present a powerpoint or ect showing the good things of having a guinea pig

    -provide your thoughts about it and how it helps. for example did you know that having pets can decrease people's stress

    and sometimes make them happier

    -tell her the things you're willing to do make a contract and list all those things. for example: picking up droppings, cleaning cage

    -provide reasons to make her beleive that you are responsible enough.

    good luck hope you get one =]

  8. first do some research and save some money to help her on stuff like buying the cage,hay,etc so she really sees you care about it ad make her know that you are the one who is going to take care of it because this one of the first reason parents dont thinkits a good idea,they think that they are going to be the ones that end up taking care of it and i dont acctually think that fair so act  responsible it worked with me cause i wanted one but my parents didnt thinki was responsibl enogh cause i used to have a rabbit but my sister ended taking care of it and my parents didnt think that was fair and gave away so just act responsible and good look

  9. Tell your mom you will clean the cage and that you need another responsibility and if you dont have a pet tell her you want a pet or tell her you will buy everything for the guinea pig

    but you have to clean the cage onece a week and some times it can get stinky xD

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