
How do i pet my cat?

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So i have this cat that i've had for about a year now and when it purrs it keeps rubbing against my hand. So i start petting it for a while and after a while it's still purring then just snaps on me and bites/scratches me. Am i doing something wrong? where should a cat be pet and how?




  1. did you pet him/her at his/her tummy? if you does, that's wrong.

    do it around her neck, his/her shoulder, and her head.

    or maybe, that time ,he/she is in the mood 'PLAY'

  2. Your cat might just want to play with you! When i talk on the phone, my cat Joker will always want me to pet her, and if i stop, she just scratches and bites me, so i keep a cat toy or a piece of string just to keep her happy! Hope i helped!

  3. Aah!! Now I am an expert in this area, because I adopted a 5 year old cat who did the same thing but is now fine.

    You need to let him/her smell your hands first up. Let him be very used to the smell of you.

    Once he's started to let you pet him, touch only his back and the back of his head. Do it gently but don't tickle. Only do it for a little while, stopping before the stage where he would normally get agitated and claw at you.

    Avoid his tail, belly, ears, face, etc.

    Only ever touch your cat when he is relaxed and isn't going to get startled by noises/other people, etc.

    Only ever touch him when he has "asked" you to, eg, when he has rubbed against your hand.

    Once you have built up the trust between your cat and you, gently start to tickle under his chin, but make sure he can see both your hands and you're sitting comfortably so you don't have to shift and upset him.

    Again, only do it for a short period of time and stop before he gets cranky.

    If all is successful, your cat will become used to human touch and will go from what he is now to a cat that wants cuddles and to be petted all the time, like my boy did. :)

  4. He could be wanting to play, my cat does that. Or there could be a spot on him where it hurts or was injured before. Just have to find that spot and stay away from it.

  5. my cat will give me a certain look so I can tell when hes not happy with it.  

  6. Usually between the shoulder blades, along the chin, and above the tail are good spots. Go along with the hair, not against it. And just stop sooner than usual so it doesn't get to the point where he's sick of it.

  7. it is the best way to strengthen your relation ship with your cat

    start with the top of the head.

    go to the back of the neck between the shoulders ( sometimes they like fast and long st rocks to the end of the back)

    under the chin

    the sides of the face ( cheeks)

    let it be like patting motion , under the chin and the back of the neck do it as if you are scratching ( not to hard)

    the cat will guided you where to go ..

    talk to you cat while patting/ stroking :)


    do not past rockck the can against the hair grow direction

    some cats do not like to be stroke on their bellies , doing so means TIME TO PLAY LET BITE EACH OTHER.

    please check out this picture

    Good luck

  8. haha my cat does the same exact thingy. But he bites me as soon as i stop petting him. I know that my cat hates to be pet on his belly and paws. You will have to just pet him and find a spot he likes. He may prefer if you pet his head . Just pet him when hes purring nicely and before he can attack give him some treats. My cat got sooo much better over the years he hardly ever does that anymore. Good luck.

  9. diagnosis:

    typical overpetting.

    try to pet it, but leave the cat wanting more.

    i do this to my husband and he likes it.
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