
How do i photograph paranormal?

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I need to know how to photograph paranormal entities...does anyone know how i can do that?




  1. Just point the camera in the direction you think the activity is and snap it.

  2. If you can photograph "the paranormal" you'd be the first.

    I would ask you why you would want to photograph something the existence of which has yet to be established.

  3. Take a lot of pictures of a rainy windshield at night with carlights coming from the opposite direction, and make the air in the car REALLY dusty.  Also try taking a bunch of pictures of distorted reflections.  Or set your camera to a really long exposure time and have someone walk through it, pausing at various places.  Or set your camera's timer, rent or make a halloween costume and go nuts.  Hang some frisbees and pie tins from wires for a beyond the stars feel.  Or, if you are an amateur hack, there is always Photoshop.

  4. you dont, they are not real.

    If you want people to think they are real, you'll have to come up with a tricky way of making an illusion, perhaps with a flashlight and photoshop...

    in otherwords, you cant

  5. Wow! So let me get this straight. You want to photograph something that does not exist? Thats great an album full of nothingness.

    But hey, good luck becuase if you are the first one to actually acheive the impossible - bingo instant millionare.

  6. Photographs are not , have never been and never will be real. Sure millions of delusional people think they have photos of children, parents, weddings and other things but human testimony is worthless so don't believe them.

    If they show you a "picture" they also says things like "this is of my 2 year old son" so you are primed to hallucinate the proper image. Of course this only works on people that have no grasp on reality. So you can't actually take a "photograph" since they don't exist.

    All the cameras, video cams and other trappings of the magic of photography are also part of the delusion (you expect these to produce something).

    Anyone that claims to know how to take a "photograph" is either gullible or delusional.


  7. Honestly, there's no real secret to it.  Its pure luck. Out of a million pictures, you might get one that kinda may look like something.  

    That's why I've got to agree with my friend from DFW Ghost Hunters.  It doesn't matter how much evidence you collect, the best thing you can hope for is a good personal experience.

    No one that already doesn't believe in ghost or what have you is going to be convinced other wise by a picture,  a voice, whatever.  There's too much of an X factor and too many ways that people can and have faked evidence.

    So, you kinda have to learn to have the mentality of its not what you capture, its the life experience that you've had.

  8. well when you feel that there is a presence near you, you should take a couple pictures in that area.

  9. Obviously no one is taking your questions seriously so I’ll try and help you out myself. The best thing I can say is with a camera start taking pictures whenever the atmosphere around you seems to change. Sometimes you’ll notice things like extreme tempter change or start feeling like your being watched. Just simple things that isn’t normal to that environment. You can also buy a digital camera which with a timer on it. I have a friend who does “spirit photography” and she sets her camera to go off once everyday 5 – 10 minutes and she’s gotten some really different and interesting things. But be careful because you may start attracting some unwanted attention.

    Good-luck, hope this helps.

  10. Maybe you could set up a vid. camera my friend has a motion detector that can detect movement and fire pics

  11. The paranormal cannot be photographed. All the orbs you see in pictures are dust, pollen, rain, snow etc. Ghosts do exist, but the do not perform on command and do not like to be exploited. Just visit haunted locations and someday you may see a ghost and then maybe not.


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