
How do i pick a good preschool in my area?

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How do i pick a good preschool in my area?




  1. Preschool teaches children good manners, thus it is important.  You can find a good preschool in your area by researching, if thats not possible look some up in the yellow book's website and visit them in person until you find one that suits you best.

  2. well you should not pick private preschool . acreted preschools are much much better .by the way acreted mean the goverment approved them (bye there care and cleaness)

    love ya !!!

  3. Start by looking around your area for different preschools, there are some in schools, churches, privately owned, etc.  Once you figure out how many there are you can call them and see what their program offers.  Pick the ones that you like what they like and set up a time to go and observe.  If the preschool doesn't allow you to observe that's a BIG sign NOT to send your child there.  It usually means that they are hiding something.  

    Make sure that all the staff have classes in Early Childhood not just the teacher.  A lot of times the other staff are alone with the students, and you want them to be qualified.  You might also want to talk to other parents whose children are in preschool at the schools.  That will tell you a lot also.  

    Basically a good preschool is what you want and make of it.  Although you could probably teach your child a lot of what is taught in preschool, children need time away from their parents and vice versus.  I recommend the preschools in either a daycare setting or a school, these are licensed and usually have better staff, facilities, and learning opportunities.

  4. I disagree.When your child goes to preschool he/she learn to plat with others.They learn to share.They learn that they can do things without you being right there,{Independance}.Which is better learned as young as possible.When looking for a preschool ask if maybe you can see what kinds of thing they do there.What do they do when children get into trouble.Any question that you have get it answered.Good luck I hope you find a great one.


  6. I do agree that preschool is wonderful for young children. They learn to play and share with others. They will also learn many things that will make kindergarten much easier. I would suggest that you contact various schools and get information on the phone. Then pick about 3 or 4 and visit the schools to meet the teacher and find out about the program they offer. Find out what skills are taught (curriculum), what the schedule is like, how they handle behavior problems, how many days each year the school is closed, the hours the school is open and any other facts you want to find out about. After you get all this information you will be ready to make an informed decision on the school that meets your child's needs. Good-luck!

  7. Preschool is a waste of time and money, unless your kid requires some kind of early intervention (like therapy).

    Spend that time WITH your kid and have your kid spend that time PLAYING with other kids.  That's all they do at preschool anyway.

    I mean - seriously - you can't teach your kid red from blue, and square frmo round?

  8. Preschool is NOT a waste of money! Your child needs the interaction with other children, and you can find some really goods ones. I would check with your local dept of human services and check them out. I would also visit different centers at different times and talk to staff, parents etc. good luck

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