
How do i plan a 2 yr old boy's birth day party ?

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How do i plan a 2 yr old boy's birth day party ?




  1. get kids around the neighborhood and get cake and decortions.

  2. go to and type in where can i get toddler birthday party ideas...or just birthday party ideas...and it will give u several web pages to choose from

  3. Just keep it simple. My two year old loves animals which is an easy theme.  No need for lots of presents, their attention span is not that long.  Just invite a few other kids and some family and he should be very happy.

  4. it depends what he is into maby barnie or bob the builder and go to a fun place or just do it at home

  5. Happy birthday to your son.

    The party's for you; have you forgotten? He's two,

    and he won't remember anything at all.

    It doesn't matter who you ask to come.

    If they're two or three

    same answer. Invite YOUR friends,

    decorate a little, as much as you think necessary,

    make it a nice occasion for you and for those who can appreciate it.

    And be prepared to entertain your son and

    feed him something he'll enjoy, so he's not stressed.

    If you think you can do more than that, or

    ought to for a two-year-old, you've been

    watching too much tv lately.

  6. charminar

  7. if he can talk ask him what he likes  if not you should know already.  just do something u will think he likes. he's only 2  they like almost anything

  8. Find out the things he likes and search that theme and set it up make sure it is carpited if u are going to have games like pin the tail on the donkey , musical chairs , or freeze dance but invite alot of people for games like musical chairs , or freeze dance and a good , fun, party.

    PS : keep it simple !

    PPS : be creative with the theme!

  9. Usually a 2 year old is a family gathering as 2 year olds rarely understand what a birthday party is all about.  So plan a party as if you were having a mother's day event or folks over for a Sunday dinner.  If you are going to have a kid party, keep it short.  The attention span of 2 years olds is almost nonexistent.  Plan to have the moms, or several of the moms come with because heavy supevision will be necessary.  Have lots of toys available.  Do not spend money on a McDonald land or other "catered" event because two year olds just cannot participate in the manner that older children will participate.

  10. Go to a party store....find a appropriate theme....they have all the decorations you'll need.....make sure the kiddies have lots of games to play. Other mothers will be there with the kids you invite so you might want something to serve to them...

    Enjoy....Happy birthday to your son!!

  11. Try MacDonald's.  They even prepare kid's games and small prizes for the visitors.. and they plan everything, just pay afterwards.

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