
How do i play pandemic the game?

by Guest63029  |  earlier

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I need to know how to get more points.

I dont understand that game at all?




  1. Well, there aren't 'points' in the game for a start :)

    The rules ARE pretty simple, but if you are having trouble getting started, perhaps you could simplify it a little.  Here's an overview.

    In Pandemic, you play a team intent on curing 4 diseases that are sweeping the world.  You win  by finding cures for all 4 diseases.  You lose if:

    *Any one disease ever goes out of control if you need to place cubes of a certain color and cannot.

    * Too many outbreaks occur - every time you are supposed to put a cube in a city that already has three of that color, an 'Outbreak' occurs and you place one cube in each adjacent city and move the outbreak track up 1.  If the outbreak track reaches the skull - you lose!

    * You run out resources.  If you draw the last card from the player deck - you lose!

    All the players cooperate to win against the game - there is no one winning player!  Everybody wins or loses.

    On a turn, a player gets 4 actions.  This is easy; each action is doing one thing.  Moving to an adjacent city takes an action.  Removing one disease cube from the city you are in takes an action.  Playing a card to fly to that city takes an action.

    If you are having a hard time learning the game, try:

    * Play with only 4 Infection cards to start.

    * Play without the role cards.  These are VERY important, but you can get the hang of how to move around, remove cubes, and draw cards without them.

    * Don't worry about trading cards until you have the hang of moving around.  Trading cards is also VERY important, but its probably the most complicated part of the game.  (which isn't all that complicated actually).

    * Use the little reference cards provided.  They show you every action you can take.

    Good luck - its a fantastic game once you get the hang of it!  Feel free to email me if you have any specific questions.

    If all else fails, look for a boardgame group in your area on or meetup - I'm sure someone there can teach you!

  2. Read the rules.

  3. There are no 'points' in the game. Everybody plays against the game, so everybody wins or loses together.

    The rules are pretty simple, did you even TRY reading them?

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