
How do i play yahtzee? (board game, not pc)?

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I bought yahtzee for my son and the instructions just seem really unclear. Do you do the upper section first? If you have filled in one category on the lower part can you improve it on a later turn?

I don't consider myself thick but for some reason I just don't get it!!




  1. u hav to roll 6 die and get the most u can and fit in where approrite eg:2,5,2,1,2,2 put it as best no' is 2

    yatzee=all no's are the same eg:6,6,6,6,6,6

    and u take it in turns to roll the 6 die

  2. The official rules are here

    Other info is here

    You can fill in any box in any order. (top or bottom each time)

    Once you have filled in a box you can't improve on it.

    You must fill in one (and only one) box each turn.

    The game ends when you have filled every box.

  3. Throw the three dice, and see what u get.  The top section is for just one number- how many ones, twos etc.  If you get 3 or more of each number you get a bonus. So, if you need 4's, and on ur first throw you only get one, you put the 4 to one side and re-throw the dice a further 2 times, as necessary.

    On the lower section u have different objectives - 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind etc.  Again, after throwing the dice u can decide which one u are going for, again u put the ones u need to one side and re-throw the remainder.  If u throw 5 of the same you get Yahzee!!  U get a bonus of 50 for the first and 100 if u do it again.  

    There is some tactics to the game- if you need 1's and also a Full House, but on ur go u can't get either, u need to decide which one to mark as a zero.  So, if you have already thrown 4 lots of 3 u can afford to mark the 1's as zero, cos u've made up an additional 3 in the 3's.  

    Hope that makes some sense. ?

  4. Yahtzee is a commercialization of the game yacht. you can find the rules here:

  5. You can fill in the upper or lower at anytime in any order. Once you fill in a category you can not change it.

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