
How do i please my mum? ?

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I know how EMO I shall sound saying this but oh well, I am 14 grade 9 I think quiet popular I'm doing grade 11 science grade 10 math straight A student the Lowe's grade I have ever got was then I got my thumb slammed in a car door it was a B- which I think is ok but not for my mum she thinks I could have done better. I ride horses because she wants me to, I made state last year, I play netball because dad wants me to I play A grade and 15 an under. I cook every Friday night and Tuesday breakfast, I work 3 nights a week and help with chores when ever I can. I study Neely every night in which mum says I put no effort in to it and I should study more. I don't want to be a teen who dis-respects there parents i cant be that kind person it just cant work for me not now. Its just I don't know what I did wrong? I mean I could give up netball because I know she doesn’t like the sport but that would be hard for me I love netball. She also was disapproved of my boyfriend he was 16 perfect he had a car tho I mean what do you expect? He is 16! So I had to break up with him because she said he was too old it killed me but I did it. Now my best friend goes out with him, which makes it harder for me to hang around with my friend because her boyfriend likes me he has tried hooking up with me a few times sence he has been going out with my friend (its so hard to reject him but I did) My life seems to be getting harder every week, but I need a parents opinion what else can I do? What do you want in a child? Am I realy a failure?




  1. It sounds like your mom is trying to relive her life through you. She is making you do all the things she should have when she was your age but didn't. Because she did not live up to her expectations she is trying to make you live up to them. You are not a failure. You are doing more than what is expected of a 14 year old. When your parents tell you to try harder just say "Yes mom" or "Yes dad" and then do your studying the way that works best for you. We all have different studying methods. Continue to do your best and try and tolerate your parents pressure, they care so much for you and want you to be successful.

    As to what I would want in a child, I would want a child who would do the best they could. If they are a C student then they are a C student, but if they could get better grades they should. You have done nothing wrong. Your parents just don't realize they are putting too much pressure on you.

  2. You are VERY FAR from a failure. To me it seems like they are putting way too much on your plate at one time and expect 110% from everything all the time. Before they know it, your going to burn and crash. Something needs to give. If you like playing netball, stay with that, but give up something else. When do you get any time to your self with everything you are doing. You need to be able to stop and smell the roses before this much is piled on you later in life and you don't have a choice about it. Tell your parents it's too much and you need a break from everything and see if you can comprise on some of the stuff you are doing.

  3. You sound like a great young person to me.  Maybe your mum is upset with someone else and taking it out on you.   That happens sometimes.  

    It sound to me like you are doing to much and not having any fun being a child.   You only get to be a child once and then child hood is over.  Your parents should let you enjoy the few years you have left to be child after that you become an adult.

    I usually take the parents side since I am one but I can't do it this time.  You are doing what they want you to do instead of doing what you want to do that is so wrong.

    You can print this and hand it to them to read.  Maybe they don't realize what they are doing to you.

    Good luck!  You are no failure your parents are!

  4. you need a new best friend. best friend's don't go out with your ex-boyfriends. also, get new parents.

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