
How do i post a pic of me on Y!A, please help!?

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how do i put a pic from my cam on Y!A




  1. Save the photo you want to your computer.  You can't post images here.  You have to store your images files on a photo storage site like PhotoBucket, then put a link to the image with your question.  Hopefully it won't be to ask us what we think of you because that's a violation.


    Did you mean for you avatar?  You put the image you'd like to use as your avatar on your 360 page. You may already have one. If you do, you would be able to access it from your profile. Just click on your avatar (or "My Profile" on the upper right). The 360 option will be on the upper right. If not, you'd need to create one.

    To add a photo to 360: Go to your 360 page. Click on "My Page" that's near the top. You'll see your photos (or where they would be if you don't already have photos there) and the option to "Edit Personal Photos". Click on that, then you will see where you can add photos. Click on "Choose File" to find the image on your computer. Once you add the image, click on "Save". That'll bring you back to the group of images. If you want to set the new image as primary to use here, click on "Edit Personal Photos" again. Click where it says "Set as Primary", then click "Save.

    Then to use your 360 image here for your avatar, go to your profile (Click on your avatar or click "My Profile" on the upper right of the page), the click on "Edit my info". Scroll down to where you choose what image you want to use and choose the 360 one. Then click on "preview" and "submit".

  2. Upload a photo to your yahoo 360 page

    set is as primary

    go on YA

    select yahoo 360 picture

    trust me. I know how to do this.

  3. If you will post your picture and ask how you look, if you are pretty, etc.....DON'T do it!!  

    Your question will just be reported/deleted, and you will receive a Violation Notice from YA.

    This is what YA has to say.

    'What do you think of my avatar? '(or my picture)

    This question is in violation for chatting, and something that we consider to be NOT KNOWLEDGE WORTHY, meaning there is no value to knowing the answer to this question. T

    The only purpose of this question is to engage others in chatting with you, not to seek knowledge.

    Click on the link below to read more of it.


    If, however, you want a picture of you displayed on your YA Profile, take snapshots of yourself using your webcam (read the  instructions on your Webcam manual how to take snapshots), and save it on your computer: to drive:C ‘My Pictures’ folder.)

    Click on this link to go to your Yahoo 360 page.

    1. Click My Page > Edit Personal Photos

    2. Upload your picture (click on "Browse", go to drive:C , open ‘My Pictures’ folder and select the picture you want to use.  Your image must be a jpeg file, either .jpg or .jpeg.)

    3. Check "Set as primary" next to your picture

    4. Click "Save" to finish

    To display your picture in Yahoo! Answers::

    1. Click on "My Profile"

    2. Click on "Edit My Info"

    3. In the picture setting, select "Use my Yahoo! 360 Picture"

    4. Click "Preview"

    5. Click "OK

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